October 2015

I Can Run So Far Across The Country

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

The Cross Country team is a team at Springville Junior High School, who runs long distances. This team is going on right now at SJHS! This team is an amazing team and loves to run a lot and would like to encourage more kids to join next year.

“This team is full of hard workers, and you have to work to be on this team,” said Kate Chatfield, a member of the SJHS Cross Country team. 

Mathieu Quinlan, another member of the SJHS Cross Country team, said, “Cross Country is a team that builds running skills together.” 

Jade Poulson; SJHS Staff Writer

Peer Tutors

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

What do Peer Tutors do? Well a lot of people do not actually know what peer tutors do. Peer Tutoring is an elective students at SJHS can take if they are in eighth or ninth grade. Peer tutors get to work with the special education kids in the school. Students report to Ms. Merrell’s room and either go to class with students or stay in Ms. Merrell’s room and help students with their work.  Peer tutors usually help to keep the special education kids on task and help them if they have questions.

According to Baylee Neil, a ninth grade student in the Peer Tutor program, she enjoys working with the students and loves joking with them. She said, “I think my favorite thing is seeing them have fun.”

Kennedy Huston; SJHS Staff Writer

Where o Where did the Gym Go?

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Eighth and ninth graders were baffled when we found out our nearly new gym was already getting a new paint job. But that was not the only reason it was closed here a Springville Junior High School. What we now know is that wet cement turned our nice new gym into a spongy bouncy castle. What happened was when the construction workers were originally laying cement they did not give it ample time to dry. When the construction was finished the cement was still wet. The moisture rose forming air bubble which gave the gym a slight bouncy feeling. Even though the difference was small, it only took our gym teachers a week to notice something was amiss.

Jakob DeLlamas; SJHS Staff Writer

Back To School Dance

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

The Back to School Dance took place at the school on Thursday, September 3. They decided to put it outside to try something new. The dance was held out on the blacktop behind the school. Many students complained that it was hot in the cafeteria, so that's another reason why they moved it outside. 

Mr. McGuire, the principal, said, “I thought it was a lot of fun. Students seemed to enjoy themselves.” 

Mr Rowley, the assistant principal, said, “It was great”. 

Jamie Haws, an eighth grade student, said, ”It was crazy.”

In order to make the dance more exciting Mr.Rowley suggested that more kids danced, and Jamie Haws suggested more updated music.

Destiny Trammel; SJHS Staff Writer