Article: Get rid of your seventh grade fear

Submitted by tara.pina on

For those of you that are in seventh grade it can be a little hard to deal with this new school year. It’s a new school, new people, new staff, and pretty much a new kind of lifestyle. A lot of you are probably feeling a bit overwhelmed and scared, but you just remember one thing. We all went through seventh grade. Your teachers, your ‘cool’ older siblings, everyone went through the horror that is seventh grade.  

  Jr. high throws a lot of new things at you on the first day. You’ve got classes, lockers, teachers, classmates, and all this new  social stuff you’ve got to deal with since you count as a teen now. You want to live a little, too.  It’s not the easiest thing to deal with, but just remember Ellie Taylor’s wise words,” Don’t think it will be bad.” Your attitude can affect how you feel about your time in Jr. high, so try to keep a positive, open outlook on school.

A few ways you can get rid of stress from your classes are very simple. First and foremost, pay attention in your classes. There is a reason why your teacher is talking. Also do your assignments on time, try your best and please don’t cheat. Teachers would rather have you make mistakes and learn than giving you a good grade because you cheated. They can also tell if your cheating which will get you in even more trouble. SJHS has wonderful teachers that are willing to help you learn. Teachers respect you so you have to respect them too. Try to stay quiet during lessons and do your assignments when you are told. You’re teens now not little kids, it’s time to start acting like it.  

Lockers are also an issue for you guys. One day you were probably trying to open your locker to put your stuff in it and get out what you need for your next class. You were trying and trying, but it just didn’t wanna budge. You’re starting to freak out a little because you don’t want to be late. Plus your precious phone is in that locker! What if you could never get it out!? This situation won’t last forever. Give it another month tops of opening it and you’ll be able to do it in your sleep. Also don’t flip anyones locker, that’s just a jerk move right there.

Now onto your greatest trial of Jr. high, classmates and friends(DUN, DUN,DUN).You’ve got a lot of classmates this year. It would be a good idea to learn people’s names now that it wouldn’t be too awkward to ask. Half way through the year is not a good time, just trust me on this one. Try not to exclude people and if you’re paired with someone you don’t know still try to work with them. If they don’t do anything then it’s on their conscious not yours. You tried they didn’t, sounds like a good day.  Many of you are able to make friends quite easily, but for others it can feel like the Hunger Games(Please don’t treat school like the Hunger Games, a lot of us want to live).  Get out there and don’t be afraid to meet new people, but remember that you don’t need thousands of friends. If you have one friend that would help you with any problem then it’s enough. Quality is more important that quantity.

Finally, to finish off this article, a few words of encouragement from your upper classmates.   “There is nothing to be scared of,” Kelin Salmeron. “...Be yourself, don’t doubt your abilities,” Ellie Taylor. “Always try your best, never give up,” Dulce Tenorio. Remember to have fun this year seventh graders.

Article by Leslie Ruiz - SJHS Student Staff Writer