Article: Ms. Merrill!!

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Ms. Merrill is a new teacher science teacher at our school. Many of you may not know her too well because of this. Ms. Merrill grew up in Idaho. She loves to laugh and have fun. “In my free time, I love to play basketball and be outside,” she says,”I also like to collect old coins and old dollar bills that will hopefully be worth something someday.”

She graduated from BYU with a degree in Earth and Space Science. She’s a bright one, that Ms. Merrill! She has really loved teaching here at SJHS so far. “SJHS has many nice people who give me high fives and put a smile on my face every day,” says Ms. Merrill,” How can I not love it here with so many good people around?”
She does admit that she was a bit nervous on her first day of teaching and thought that something would go wrong. “I had dreams about all the things that could go wrong including not having a lesson ready, being late for school, showing too much armpit sweat, etc,” she stated when asked in her interview email. She walked through the doors and saw a few familiar faces and her nerves calmed. After that she new that it would be a good year of teaching.

It must be tough being a new teacher. So many kids to deal with. I must be even worse when you have 7th or 8th graders. It’s literally the worst point of your life to be alive, now imagine having to teach a classroom filled of those things. Who needs a horror movie when you teach Jr. High kids?
Ms. Merrill does support the idea that it’s a bit tough, but the good parts of it outweigh the bad. She states that, “I am usually very tired by the end of the day and sometimes I don't want to grade any more papers, but the students make my job worth it.  I love seeing success!” She really cares about all of her students. Ms. Merrill tries her best to get to know them and understand their backgrounds. She loves going to their games, concerts, and any other events like those. She likes seeing what makes her students happy outside of school.
Science has been her passion since she was in 6th grade. Her father was a science teacher and would always teach her things. Even when they were on vacation she would teach her things about the world around them. “Science is everywhere, and we can understand how the earth and universe works by looking around us,” she states,”I want to help my students learn to observe the world around us and enjoy its beauty.”

Article by Leslie Ruiz - SJHS Student Staff Writer