Article: What do Seventh Graders Really Think About our School?

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Seventh graders. AKA Sevies, greenies, the newbies, whatever you want to call them are new here at SJHS. Have you ever wondered what they think about our school? Read on to find out.

James Gardner and William Hammond, seventh graders here at SJHS both say, their favorite part about seventh grade are the new classes. Another sevie, Jocelyn Hunt, says her favorite part is, “Meeting new friends.¨ And she enjoys Junior High a lot because we have more options. Will’s favorite class along with Jocelyn and James is PE. He likes it because he gets to, “play sports the whole time.” Ashlyn loves seventh grade and her favorite class is History with Mrs. Porter. She enjoys it because of the teacher and she loves, “learning about history.”

On the other hand, there are some classes they don’t necessarily like. James, Will and Jocelyn all don’t enjoy CTE. Jocelyn and Will say it is because they don't enjoy the content. Ashlyn doesn’t really have a bad class, but the one she enjoys the least is Orchestra because she doesn’t like learning about music theory and stuff like that.

Mr. Dahl, a science teacher here at SJHS, teaches a lot of seventh graders. He says, “I love that 7th graders have so much enthusiasm about life. 7th graders are fun to teach and they get into what we are doing.  Plus they are still small so they can't push me around yet.”

Now you know what the seventh graders really think about Junior High.

Article by Amanda Gardner - SJHS Student Staff Writer