The Funky Red Ribbon Wall

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Last week was Red Ribbon Week, and we had something new at the school. In addition to pajama day and nerd day we had a wall. The wall represented our united stand against drugs and violence. According to PTA president, Mrs. Wendy Chipman, if we can reach and make a difference to one kid then the Red Ribbon Wall is worth it.

Mrs. Chipman, said, “I really hope that it reminds kids that drugs are real and bad and that we can fight against them and stay away from them. The younger we can teach kids this, obviously the better.” We need to realize that drugs can kill people and we should stay away from them at all costs. 

Unfortunately, a high percentage of drug users experiment with drugs when they are younger. Something you try once can turn into an every day battle to stay away from. 

Mrs. Chipman said that she came up with the wall and that it will hopefully have a positive effect on kids. Service Learning teacher, Mrs. Adrienne Murray, said, “It was a 'brick' wall because brick walls are incredibly sturdy and durable. It is not easy to break a brick wall, which is symbolic of our strong commitment to being drug- and violence-free.”

Lydia Austin, SJHS Staff Writer