Mullet Men

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

The definition of a mullet[a] is a hairstyle in which the front is cut trim, but the back is long, left wild and often uncut. Even when the back is cut, it is still longer than the front.Lots of boys at SJHS have mullets; it is a new fad at the school.

 Ryan Pexton, an eighth grader at SJHS, said the only reason he grew a mullet was because no one else was doing it. Then he sang ¨Stick To The Status Quo¨ From High School Musical

Beau Mattinson, a seventh grader at SJHS, said he had one when he was a kid and just wants to grow it back.

Chase Ewell, an eighth grader at SJHS, said, “ I grew my mullet because it looks good coming out of a football helmet.” 

Dallin Packer, another eighth grade boy, then replied, “It looks good with everything Chase!” 

Ryan Pexton is hoping to grow his mullet out to his mid back so it will look like a cape. Chase Ewell said he would like to grow it to his shoulders. Dallin Packer said, “My mom wont let me grow it out any longer”. 

Aubrey Stewart, an eighth grader at SJHS, said, “The guys with the mullets are pretty cool, but the mullets themselves are nasty.” 

Ms.Dunn, an English teacher at SJHS, said, “I think they are weird but really funny.” 

Sarah Tucker, an eighth grader at SJHS, thinks they are awesome because you can braid them.

Tina Serrano, an eighth grader at SJHS, said, “I think they are weird because they shave the sides so it looks like a skunk.”


Lauryn Davis, SJHS Staff Writer