SJHS Awards Students for their Academic Performance

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Springville Junior High School held its annual awards assembly on May 21st. The awards assembly is a way to reward students for their hard work over the year. Almost every student leaves the auditorium with a certificate in hand. According to some of the teachers at SJHS, the awards assembly is a way to reward and recognize academic achievements and progress throughout the year; it also encourages students to try their hardest. 

Mrs. Droz, the seventh grade counselor, said, “There are several awards handed out. Some are based on G.P.A., some are based on academic improvement, and some are given out by particular departments for achievement within a certain subject.” According to Mrs. Tarin, counseling secretary, to qualify to get one of the awards, you need to be a good student by trying your best to be a responsible citizen, successful learner, and effective communicator, which is the school motto. Ms. Dunn, a seventh and ninth-grade English teacher, said, “I want students to feel proud of working hard and doing the best they can and doing better than they did the year before. I hope that it encourages them to keep trying their best in school.” The awards assembly is an end-of-year celebration to reward students for their hard work before school ends and summer begins.

Alexis Pool, SJHS Staff Writer