SJHS HOPE Squad Featured on KSL

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

On Tuesday, Nadine Wimmer of KSL interviewed three of our Springville Junior High students who serve on our HOPE Squad for a feature piece on channel 5. The feature highlighted a huge problem in Utah: teen suicide. During the program, Nadine Wimmer stated that students can play an invaluable role in helping to stop suicides among their classmates.  The students she interviewed were Jaqueline Bradford, Halle Acor, and Spencer Johnson. She asked them questions about what would surprise parents when it comes to depression and stress among teens, and what advice they have for parents. All of our students on HOPE Squad do a great job supporting their peers, watching for warning signs, being a friend to everyone, and getting kids the help they need from adults if they are having thoughts of hurting themselves. Our three students who were interviewed represented our school and HOPE Squad very well.

For more information, please watch the KSL feature or visit our HOPE Squad information page.


Courtney Droz, Counelor and HOPE Squad Advisor