The Story of Anne Frank Lives on

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

The time of World War II was a harsh and bitter time for all who lived then, but one story  is better known than others: the story of Anne Frank. Anne Frank was a young girl when World War II began, and because of her family's religion she was forced go into hiding to avoid the Nazis that threatened her and her family’s lives. Going into hiding made a lot of restrictions for her and her family. She couldn’t leave the secret apartment above her father’s business, she couldn’t use water during the day, and she couldn’t throw stuff out because the workmen below may hear her family or have evidence she was up there. It was a very tough life for her and for many other Jews at the time; they constantly lived in fear. 

Mrs. Bass’s class is able to learn about the story of Anne Frank in a unique way, they are performing plays to help them understand her story. Mrs. Bass, an eighth-grade English teacher at Springville Junior High School, said, “I do the Anne Frank plays because it is a more interactive way of learning Anne’s story. I have tried different methods of teaching her story, and this seems to be the most fun.” And according to some of her eighth-grade students, they all like learning about Anne Frank and the Holocaust. 

The whole class participates in the play by playing different roles, the students are allowed to pick their own roles until a certain character has be chosen for all three scenes. Kyle Rogers, an eighth-grade student at SJHS playing the role of Mr. Dussel in the Anne Frank play, said that he chose this role “because he is a grouchy old man, and he is funny.” 

The Anne Frank plays are a great way to learn about Anne Frank’s story and to have fun while doing it.

Samantha Sorensen, SJHS Staff Writer