Where o Where did the Gym Go?

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Eighth and ninth graders were baffled when we found out our nearly new gym was already getting a new paint job. But that was not the only reason it was closed here a Springville Junior High School. What we now know is that wet cement turned our nice new gym into a spongy bouncy castle. What happened was when the construction workers were originally laying cement they did not give it ample time to dry. When the construction was finished the cement was still wet. The moisture rose forming air bubble which gave the gym a slight bouncy feeling. Even though the difference was small, it only took our gym teachers a week to notice something was amiss.

Ms. Bales, the attendance secretary, explained that had you entered the school during summer, you would have found an odd sight indeed.  Imagine giant fans with long pipes blowing hot air into the floor through holes. For the entire summer. Or maybe the sight Mr. Chambers, one of our gym teachers, saw of the entire gym being sanded and dried. Luckily, this entire procedure turned out to be under a warranty, meaning it was all free.

Even though the gym was closed over the summer because of the cement, the gym was closed for the first week because of paint. As it turns out, the painters were overloaded with painting jobs over the summer and only just finished the gym before school. After that, we were literally waiting for paint to dry.  According to Mr. McGuire, our brand-new principal, they had added foam to the floor and changed the paint scheme.They changed so much that Kinzie Lewis, an eighth grader attending here, immediately noticed. The gym will be closed for a small time during Christmas break.  Until then we are extremely happy to have our gym back, hopefully for many years to come!

Jakob DeLlamas; SJHS Staff Writer