Fun With Quest Time

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

 How do you feel about Quest Time? The answer differs from student to student.  Some students prefer a quiet place where they can study or relax. Others enjoy playing games with other students. Jillian Boyer, a ninth grade student at SJHS, likes to go to movie rooms. “I get to hang out with all of my friends, and I get a break from all of my classes,” said Jillian. 

Chloe Potter, SJHS Staff Writer


Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

At the end of the year do you get a yearbook? Do you ever wonder who makes the yearbook? Did you know we have a yearbook class that makes the yearbook? Well if you like the yearbooks, and you feel like you could do a good job on making one, you should sign up for the yearbook!

Tess Fisher, a student in the yearbook class, said students get to make the yearbook and get to hand out the yearbooks at the end of the year. Tess said her favorite part of yearbook is “taking pictures of people.” Tess said she signed up for yearbook because she wanted to make a yearbook.

Amanda Smith, SJHS Staff Writer

April Super Knights!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Here at SJHS every month we pick a boy and girl from each grade to be Super Knights. They are great students that work very hard, and the teachers take a vote to pick who they think deserves the award. This month for April, our seventh graders are EmmaLee Smith and Kevin Sumsion, the eighth graders are Katie Peterson and Zach Dalley, and the ninth graders are Erin Caswell and Devin Vest.         

These are the teacher comments for each Super Knight: 

EmmaLee Smith:

Cami Ward, SJHS Staff Writer

Service Project

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Ms. Walker, a counselor at SJHS, has put together a service project for the students at SJHS. Ms. Walker said,“ I decided to organize this service project on behalf of the counseling department to give students the opportunity to give back to the community.” She said we had a great response to the food drive in December. All the students got involved and excited, so she decided to do another project.

Amanda Smith, SJHS Staff Writer

Superintendent Speech

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

On April 18th, during the Super Knight assembly, the superintendent of Nebo School District, Mr. Nielsen, came and spoke to the students.  Using a powerpoint, he showed pictures of the inside of our school. He also shared a little about his life and job. Mr. Nelson concluded by telling us that the students are the heart and soul of the school.  

“It was really moving,” said Daniela Melendez, an eighth-grade student at SJHS, “I learned that not everything is based on appearance.” 

Chloe Potter, SJHS Staff Writer

Spotlight on Mr. Shields

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Mr. Shields is one of the history teachers at SJHS. Mr. Shields majored in P.E, but he had to choose a minor so he chose the subject he disliked the least, history. When he started to teach history, it began to grow on him, and he ended up loving history, and he is glad he chose it.

His wife sadly passed away. Mr. Shields has remarried. He has four sons and three daughters. His hobbies are playing sports, watching sports, reading, dirt biking, camping, traveling, and building big fires.         

Daniela Melendez, SJHS Staff Writer

The No Tardy Party!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Have you ever been to a No Tardy Party? Many students attended one on Friday, April 4 during Quest Time and 4th period, here at Springville Junior High in the auditorium. The No Tardy Party is a reward for students who had no tardies in the term. Mr. Rowley, an assistant principal,  set up minute-to-win-it games for students to play.  Afterward they went to the cafeteria for free pizza.           

Emori Brown, an eighth grade student, said,  “It was great because I got to hangout with my friends.” 

Daniela Melendez, an eighth grade student, said, “It was more fun than I expected.”

Shayra Riches, SJHS Staff Writer

Class Poetry Slams In English

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

 Recently some of SJHS’ English students have had a very interesting assignment: reciting memorized poems in class. The students can choose a poem or write one of their own, and then they memorize it and recite it aloud to the class. They are graded on their presentation skills and memorization. The teachers hope that this assignment will help the students learn about and better appreciate poetry.       

Emori Sky Brown, SJHS Staff Writer

Track Meet at Payson

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

The SJHS track team went to Payson for a track meet on Friday, April 18th. “I really like track because it is fun to meet new people and become friends with people you might have never thought you would become friends with! I want to do well at the meets and try and do better and better each time,” said Alexia Gornichec, a member of the track team.

Rachel Harker, SJHS Staff Writer

Mrs. Carpenter!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

 Mrs.Carpenter is a science teacher at Springville Junior High in room seventy-seven. Mrs. Carpenter, the eighth grade science teacher, said, “This is my 22nd year of teaching.  I taught in Tulsa, Oklahoma for four years and this is my 18th year at Springville Jr.”  

She does a lot of cool experiments. Kayli Remund, an eighth grader, said, “She is an amazing teacher, that doesn’t yell and is super nice.”  One of Kayli’s favorite experiment was the bubble gum experiment. 

Kaden Jepperson, an eighth grader, said, “ She uses interesting props like boxes.” 

Shayra Riches, SJHS Staff Writer