Online Courses
For students who want to do a partial online schedule, and a partial in-person schedule, accredited online courses are available through SOEP- Statewide Online Education Program. Click the links below for more information about the various providers, and about the registration process.
Students wanting a partial online schedule will need to:
Create or update an existing SEATS account.
Register for SOEP courses in SEATS
Register at the online provider school.
For students who want to do a full time online schedule, you will need to meet with Courtney Packard, Nebo School District's OpenEd counselor, to review current options. Once you choose an option, and enroll your student directly with the provider, you will need to come to Springville Junior High to unenroll , and sign a home school affidavit with our registrar.
To reach Courtney Packard, please email her at