Power of the Press

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

If writing is power then we have a lot here at Springville Junior High, because we have a whole class dedicated to writing for  your benefit. This class is the Journalism class.         

According to Ms. Dunn,the journalism teacher, the goal of the Journalism class is publicity for  the school, and to make people aware of the good things we are doing here. Examples of things they consistently write about, are teacher spotlights, student life, and sports. These are fulfilling their goals because these are all important things to inform parents, students, and teachers about.        

Aubrey Stewart, SJHS Journalism Staff

Laptops in Writing

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Many classes this year, mainly in the English department, have Samsung Google Chromebooks.  SJHS originally bought the Chromebooks last year for Ms. Miley’s Journalism class.  “They worked so well that the school bought two classroom sets,” said Ms. Dunn, a seventh and ninth grade English and the current Journalism teacher.  A Chromebook, according to Ms. Dunn, is a mini laptop that has no hard drive.  This means that nothing can be saved to the computer itself.  That is why everything typed on a Chromebook is saved through Google.  

Kazdin Lewis, SJHS Staff Writer

How to do Things!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

 This is a tips section for helping students at this school improve in different areas.Tips are compiled from a variety of sources including, Mr, Shields, a history teacher, Mr, Krebs, a math teacher, and Tyler Chappel, a eighth grader.

Tips on Memorizing

* Repeat it in your head.

* Make some sort of pun to help you. 

* The sillier the pun, the better.

* Review it every day.

* Write it down.

* Put it where you can see it.

* When you have to, use your knowledge well and for the advancement of good.

Math Tips

* Be flexible, be able to use a calculator and do math in your head.

* Have paper to write the problem out.

Stephen Gantt, SJHS Staff Writer

Spotlight On The Fine Arts

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

 Who doesn’t love the Fine Arts?  The Fine Arts classes at Springville Junior High are here to help students embrace their inner artists or musical talents, with many choices to choose from.  

There are art foundations, band, orchestra, drawing, and dance classes that students can take, seventh through ninth grade.  The classes are taught by the best of the best, including, Mrs. Wallace, Mr. Booth, Dr. Tsugawa, and Ms. Jarvis.  

Emma Whipple, SJHS Staff Writer

iPads in Science Class

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

At the beginning of the school year, SJHS received new Apple iPads for use in science class.  This is a new and interesting way to learn, although not many students have had a chance to use them yet.         

Kazdin Lewis, SJHS Staff Writer

Making Food in Foods, Who Knew!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

 “I wonder what they do in foods class?” said no one ever. Anyone who has ever been near room 36 can smell the delicious scents.

“We learn basic cooking skills,” says Mrs. Luke about her ninth grade foods class. “We have a unit for fruits and vegetables, dairy, grains, etc.”        

Amanda Hall, SJHS Staff Writer

Fun, Scares, and Sugar Highs

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

October 31st, Springville Junior High School students dress in a wide assortment of costumes. Why? For nothing less than Halloween!        

“I think it’s fun to see all the creative costumes that kids come up with,” said assistant principal, Ms. Miley, about letting students dress up at school on Halloween day.         

There were many great costumes this year. Some of the faculty even joined in the fun. According to Mrs. Bales, the attendance secretary,  Mr. Van Ausdal and Mr. Argyle’s Duck Dynasty attire was especially impressive. 

Amanda Hall, SJHS Staff Writer

Be An Ally, Anywhere, Any Time

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

You may find yourself asking questions about being an ally.  What does it mean? How does it help? Why should we do it? Keep reading for your answers.

What do you think it means to be an ally? According to Spencer Johnson, a ninth grader on the Hope Squad,“ being an ally means to stick up for everyone even if they aren’t your best friend so they know that you care. Be an example that other people can follow to make this school a happier environment.”         

Chloe Wimmer, SJHS Staff Writer