All About Ms. Dunn

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Many of you know Ms. Dunn as a seventh grade and ninth grade english teacher, or even a journalism teacher, but do you really know her?  What her favorites are? What she likes to do in her freetime? What type of music she likes to listen to?         

“Ms. Dunn is fun and easy going. We get along great, and besides that Ms. Dunn is the best teacher and everyone should know her,” says Clara Brotherson, a ninth grade girl at our school.  

Cortez Nelson, another ninth grade student at our school, said, “Ms. Dunn teaches very well, and she is a very exciting teacher!”       

Chloe Wimmer, SJHS Staff Writer

Ready, Set, HUT! SHS Freshman Football Team!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

What team? Red Devils! The freshman football team has won five games with a loss of only two games so far! In a recent game against Wasatch on October 17th, the freshman team won 28-0! Not only that, they competed against Salem a couple of weeks ago, and won 24-6! For these past four years that the team has played together since sixth grade, their motto has been, Get better everyday! “As coaches, we stress that principle often with the boys and hope and expect them to apply it, both on and off the field,” Coach Murphy said. 

Sarah Larson, SJHS Journalism Staff

A Shout Out to the Student Council

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Every new school year we get two new student councils. One for first semester and one for second semester. This year’s  first semester student council is Cortez Nelson as president, with Teresa Morse, AnnaClaire Smith, and Tanner Allen as vice presidents.       

This semester’s student council is very excited to help! Teresa mentioned that she wanted to be in student council to be involved with the school. Cortez said he wanted to be able to help. AnnaClaire wanted to make a difference, and Tanner wanted to help plan.       

Aubrey Stewart, SJHS Journalism Staff

Pass the Ball to Mr. Dahl

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Hello ladies! If the SJHS tennis team looks interesting to you, this would be the article for you.  It will tell you all of the qualifications to be a real tennis player! 

Mr.Dahl, the tennis coach at SJHS, said, “Tennis is a fun sport, and it’s not as competitive as some sports get these days. Plus it’s not as much pressure.” He also said, “You are in charge, it’s not a huge team; it’s just you and your partner.” 

Well, what are some fun things about tennis? Sariah Rencher, a tennis player at SJHS, said, “I get to hit stuff with a racket, you can’t get funner than that.” 

Hannah LaBuda, another tennis player at  SJHS, said, “I like playing the matches and meeting new people.”

Lauryn Davis, SJHS Staff Writer

Here Comes Down the Stretch- SJHS Cross Country Team!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

 Placing first and third in recent meets, practicing daily, and otter pops? Yes, our cross country team covers all of that! Everyday right after school, several students don their running clothes and practice for upcoming meets on Fridays. “We have had so many great kids come out to run this year,” Coach Spellman, the cross country coach, said. The team is close and trains diligently. “We’re amazing and we work hard,” Nathan Merrill, the boys team captain said.        

Sarah Larson, SJHS Staff Writer

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Congratulations to Ihovanni Tinoco for winning the Around the World States Competition in U.S. History! For six years now in Mr. Shields’ history class he has had an Around the World Competition on learning the 50 states.  

Chloe Wimmer, SJHS Staff Writer

Mr. Bailey

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

We have a new school psychologist, and his name is Mr. Bailey.

For those who do not know much about him, he helps kids that need special help. He has a similar job to the counselors but in a way they are different. His job is different than the counselors because they control more of the schedules and problems with kids in the school, but they have three for each grade.

Adele Radandt, SJHS Staff Writer

The Girls Volleyball Freshman Team!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Volleyball season is on, and the girls freshman volleyball team has been playing against teams from our school district.  They have been practicing all summer and they have been getting ready to beat the competition!  Currently their overall score is 2-3, with 2 wins and 3 losses, but that doesn’t deter the team!  “It’s still pretty fun, even if we lose a game!” said Nicole Wheeler, a player on the team.  The volleyball  team practices almost everyday after school, and has games on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  You might even see them wearing their team jerseys around the school! 

Emma Whipple, SJHS Staff Writer

A Spotlight on Ms. Norr

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

 As we, the students and staff at SJHS,  all know with a new year usually comes a hand full of new educators.  Amongst the new arrivals is Ms. Norr, the new seventh and ninth grade Language Arts teacher at SHJS.  

Before coming to SJHS, she says she used to work at a ranch in Idaho; teenagers would come up to the ranch for a week of camping fun.  Ms. Norr’s job was to take them on high rope courses and also horseback rides and whitewater rafting trips.  “It is pretty easy to manage teenagers when they are either terrified or exhausted,” she says.  

Kazdin Lewis, SJHS Staff Writer