Mousetraps with Wheels!

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Get the wheels in your head turning!  The eighth graders recently made mousetrap cars at SJHS.  In mid-April the eighth grade just finished their unit on simple machines in science.  As the eighth graders finished up with their inventions of mouse trap cars, we were all impressed by the results of this year’s mousetrap cars.  According to Mr. Kindrick, a science teacher at SJHS, the science teachers want the students to understand simple machines and how they can make our work easier.

Megan Skinner, SJHS Staff Writer

Weekly Competitions after school with Boys Tennis

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Everyday after school a group of SJHS boys go to play tennis with Mr. Dahl. According to Ethan Bird, a seventh grader at SJHS, the boys tennis team practice everyday and they play matches against other schools on Mondays and Thursdays. Ethan said, “We play a lot of schools, and it’s always fun.” According to Mr. Dahl, a science teacher at SJHS, and the coach for boys tennis, the team plays all the different junior highs in Nebo School District.

Trevor Hollister, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS HOPE Squad Featured on KSL

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

On Tuesday, Nadine Wimmer of KSL interviewed three of our Springville Junior High students who serve on our HOPE Squad for a feature piece on channel 5. The feature highlighted a huge problem in Utah: teen suicide. During the program, Nadine Wimmer stated that students can play an invaluable role in helping to stop suicides among their classmates.  The students she interviewed were Jaqueline Bradford, Halle Acor, and Spencer Johnson. She asked them questions about what would surprise parents when it comes to depression and stress among teens, and what advice they have for parents.

Courtney Droz, Counelor and HOPE Squad Advisor

Ms. Neeley: SJHS Teacher Of The Year!

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Springville Junior High School's 2013 Teacher of the Year is Ms. Neeley, seventh-grade English teacher!  Ms. Neeley received the award on Wednesday, April 11 at Nebo District's school board meeting.  One teacher from each junior high and high school received the award; Ms. Neeley was the teacher from Springville Junior High that received it.   

Paige Cook, SJHS Staff Writer

Triple Trouble!

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

What’s it like having a three kids the same age? Springville Junior High gets to have the opportunity to experience this. That’s right, there are triplets at SJHS. Their names are Amelia, Tim, and Andrew Killpack. They are in the eighth grade and most of their friends don’t even think they’re related. The triplets all have their different style and personalities. Even at a young age, the kids developed at different times. Amelia was born first, Andrew was born second, and Tim was born last. Being the oldest over the other two, Amelia said it gets very annoying. The triplets say it’s not very different from having siblings close to your age, and sometimes it doesn’t even seem like they were all born at once. Mrs.

Alexis Pool, SJHS Staff Writer

New Freshman Student Council Elected

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

It’s that time of year again-student council elections started on April ninth here at Springville Junior High. Around 37 students showed up at the meeting to learn about how to run for student council. Betsy Vega, a ninth-grader on first semester’s student council, said, “The election is to choose who will represent the student body. It’s not a teacher’s choice contest; it is supposed to be people the students think will be well suited to the role.”  The students who were elected for the 2013-14 student council are Cortez Nelson and Sean Stapel as presidents and Tanner Allen, Clara Brotherson, Savannah Grant, Teresa Morse, and AnnaClaire Smith as vice presidents.

Erin Caswell, SJHS Staff Writer

Quest Time Counselor Game Room

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Two Wii’s, a pool table, a ping pong table, and foosball. What else could you ask for during Quest Time?  Four days a week, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, all during quest time, the counselors host a game room in room 14.  Students at Springville Junior High School race to the counselors’ game room as soon as they hear the bell ending third period.  Mrs. Distefano, one of the counselors, said, “We just wanted to provide something fun to do for the kids.”

Megan Skinner, SJHS Staff Writer

Track Season Begins at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Students are running to sign up for track at Springville Junior High School.  On March third, a meeting was called for all those interested in track.  The room buzzed with excitement as the coaches for this year’s track team patiently told SJHS runners all the details.  Practices started March eleventh, and meets started soon after, on March twenty ninth.  Track is a sport where kids get together and run for fun.  Some of the events include the one hundred meter dash, the long jump and so much more.  Julie Sumsion, an eighth grader in track, said, “Track is a great experience.  It’s a great place to meet and make new friends.”  Ms.

Megan Skinner, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS Hosts a Talent Show

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Front, left to right: Danny Salazar, Bailey Bird, and Kenya Rodriguez.  Back, left to right: Kelsie Taylor, Reagan Park, Chase Kimball, Josh Clegg, Andrew Hoffman, Noah Andelin, Ciarra Snapp, and Quinn Gleave.


Austen Moon, SJHS Staff Writer

The Orchestra of Generations

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Have you ever heard of adults and students playing together in an orchestra concert? Well the Springville Junior High ninth-grade orchestra did! They got the opportunity to play with the BYU New Horizons orchestra on March 28 at Springville High School. The BYU New Horizons Orchestra is a group that provides opportunities for adults to learn to play an orchestral stringed instrument. Dr. Tsugawa, the orchestra director at SJHS, said “This concert was the sixth annual Intergenerational Concert between the SJHS orchestra program and the BYU New Horizons Orchestra.” Most of the orchestra students were excited to play with people that are not the same as them!

Clarissa Scott, SJHS Staff Writer