Boys Slam Dunk During Games

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

This year, the 2012 ninth grade boys basketball team has been working hard to keep a good season. According to Mr. Kindrick, the assistant coach, they are very dedicated to working as a team. The team has been working really well with each other. In Mr. Kindrick’s opinion, the team’s defense has improved. Offensively they have started to execute some of the things that are needed to be successful. “Everyone works together,” said Stu Killian, a ninth grader on the team.

Allyson Smith, SJHS Staff Writer

Ninth Graders go to the Clark Planetarium

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

On Friday, December 14th, Springville Junior High was much emptier than usual.  Most of the ninth grade took a field trip to the Clark Planetarium in Salt Lake City with teachers Mrs. Rice, Mr. Hatfield, and Mr. Hansen.  About 150 students went on the trip, which lasted from 8:00 in the morning until 2:00 in the afternoon.  Students got an opportunity to look around the planetarium a little, and then sat down to watch a movie.  “We took a ride through early history, and learned how ancient civilizations perceived the stars,” said Chris Fitzgerald, a ninth grader at SJHS.  After the movie, the students headed to a mall in Salt Lake to eat lunch.  From there, they headed back to Springville Junior High.

Austen Moon, SJHS Staff Writer

The New and Improved Quest Time

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Springville Junior High School has a 20 minute free period between their third and fourth period known as Quest Time. Quest Time has two different options for classes, enrichment for students with D’s and above, and intervention for students with F’s. It has not always been this way,the rule used to be that only students with C’s and above could attend their choice for an enrichment class.  Now enrichment is available to students with D’s. Mr. Van Ausdal, principal of SJHS, said that the new Quest Time “potentially puts more kids in enrichment.” Enrichment classes are fun for kids and include things such as movie rooms or conversation rooms. At the beginning of December this new rule was introduced to all of of SJHS.

Samantha Sorensen, SJHS Staff Writer

Students Look Forward to the New Term

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SJHS is excited to announce that on Monday, January 14th we are starting a new semester! Starting a new semester is more than it seems. Many new changes will occur for all grades that include new classes, automatic A’s and a fresh start at the year. Students look forward to this time of the school year.        “I am excited for the new term because I get a bunch of new classes, including clothing. Everyone says that class is really fun!” said Alisa Boyer, a student at SJHS. “I am excited for new term because I am going to be a library T. A,” said Taylor Wright another student at SJHS. There are many reasons students all over SJHS are excited for the new semester.

Sadie Mangum, SJHS Staff Writer

The Story of Anne Frank Lives on

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

The time of World War II was a harsh and bitter time for all who lived then, but one story  is better known than others: the story of Anne Frank. Anne Frank was a young girl when World War II began, and because of her family's religion she was forced go into hiding to avoid the Nazis that threatened her and her family’s lives. Going into hiding made a lot of restrictions for her and her family. She couldn’t leave the secret apartment above her father’s business, she couldn’t use water during the day, and she couldn’t throw stuff out because the workmen below may hear her family or have evidence she was up there. It was a very tough life for her and for many other Jews at the time; they constantly lived in fear. 

Samantha Sorensen, SJHS Staff Writer

Spotlight: Ms. Fausett

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“She explains things really well. She’s fun, and has a good sense of humor,” said Emily Mason, an eighth-grade student at SJHS, when asked about Ms. Fausett, the new Foods teacher at SJHS. Ms. Fausett started out as a sub for Mrs. Luke while she was on maternity leave, but she is now teaching the morning Foods classes.  We are lucky to have her because Ms. Fausett is well trained and well prepared for this position.

Tiana Spencer, SJHS Staff Writer

Sew What?

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What do a buffalo, a monkey, a horse, and pajama pants have in common? If you guessed that they all live in a jungle, you’re wrong. All of these are similar because they are all projects that can be made in Mrs. Bird’s sewing elective class at SJHS.

“I took the class because I wanted to develop a new skill that I’m actually going to use in real life,” said Sadie Mangum, an eighth grader in sewing class. ”I enjoy it because we get to learn while we talk to friends, which is really cool,” she said. Lizzy Brimhall, another sewing student, said, “I do [enjoy sewing]. It’s the silver lining in my day. I’ve made two bags, pj pants... I’m working on a stuffed animal seal right now. It’s really cute.”

Chloe Wilson, SJHS Staff Writer

Students Go Math Caroling in Mrs. Gleave’s Class

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Everybody has their own Christmas traditions.  In Mrs. Gleave’s math classes here at Springville Junior High School, they have a little tradition of their own.  Every year, right before winter break, Mrs. Gleave’s classes go around the school and sing Christmas carols.  The only catch is that they must make up parodies to their favorite carols, turning them into Christmas Math Carols.  The classes performed on December 20th, during each class period.

Austen Moon, SJHS Staff Writer

Rooty toot-toot and a Rummy tum-tum, the Band Concert is Coming to Town

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

The Springville Junior High School band had their concert on December 12th, 2012. Seventh, eighth, and ninth grade bands all played in the concert. During the concert the bands played a wide variety of songs. The ninth graders played songs from the musical Wicked, and a Disney medley. The eighth graders played the Beatles and Christmas music, and the seventh graders played Queen songs and Christmas songs. According to Mr. Booth, the band conductor at SJHS, all of his songs are his favorite--he only does awesome music. According to Skyler Walser, an eighth grader in the band, her favorite songs was Greensleeves.

Ceci Sumsion, SJHS Staff Writer

Mr. Nackos, Super Substitute!

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Mr. Nackos is an awesome substitute here at Springville Junior High School, and it seems like everyone here at the school has heard his cool name at one point or another. He is a big favorite among students and is often picked to sub by teachers. He has been a substitute teacher for nine years and counting, and he really seems to enjoy his job!

Zoe Dalley, SJHS Staff Writer