Springville Junior High School Welcomes Mrs. Murray

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Mrs. Adrienne Murray is the new Foods Exploration, Teen Living, and Service-Learning teacher at Springville Junior High School. On top of that she is also the school’s student council advisor--all during her first year of teaching at SJHS. Not many people know this, but Mrs. Murray did do some student teaching at SJHS last year.

Tanya Garibay, an eight grader at SJHS, said, “Mrs. Murray is always trying to make things fun. She gives us recipe cards and she makes up games so we can learn and have fun at the same time.”  According to Tanya, Mrs. Murray has been a good teacher and has taught her a lot of stuff from yummy recipes to how to  cook them well. 

Jennifer Pizarro, SJHS Staff Writer

Model U.N. Competes

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Mr. David Hansen and Mrs. Lise Carpenter are teachers at Springville Junior High School.  They teach normal, everyday stuff, but they also coach the Model UN team. What is Model UN? According to Mr. Hansen, Model UN is a simulation of the United Nations Assembly. Sarah Clark, a ninth grader on the team, said, “Model UN is like a debate team, but students are given countries and they have to argue about their resources and needs.”

Jennifer Pizarro, SJHS Staff Writer

Thanksgiving Pies in SJHS Foods class

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

The SJHS foods class recently made thanksgiving pies to get into the Thanksgiving spirit. They all worked together to make apple or pumpkin pies. The class spent November 21st learning about how to make the pies, and then the next day they mixed the ingredients together and baked them.  Even though it was Thanksgiving, the class listened to Christmas music.

Marin Rosenberg, SJHS Staff Writer

At SJHS, Music is Smart Too

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The Springville Junior High and High School Orchestras are using a program called Smart Music.  This program is used for playing test and more. Smart Music allows students to evaluate and listen to the way they play their instrument. Not only does it work for orchestra, but it works for band, choir and more.  Students can also tune their instrument and find and play other music during their free time. Also, the instructor, Dr. Samuel Tsugawa, can give assignments through Smart Music.

Demmi Nava, SJHS Staff Writer

Springville Junior High School Freshman Basketball Teams Announced

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Freshman boys and girls basketball tryouts were held on November 7th and 8th.  The following students made the freshman boys’ basketball team: Britain Patten, Kenyon Jepperson, Tyson Galbraith, Nik Grosland, Sam Graves, Omar Garibay, Brandon Merkley, Skyler Spencer, Tristan Bradley, Andrew Creer, Preston Adams, Ryan Gage, and Coleman Lindquist. The following students made the freshman girls’ basketball team: Annie Anderson, Susie Suazo, Melanie Anderson, Ellis Bennett, Addie Bowers, Anna Bunnell, Sarah Clark, Talauna Davenport, Morgan Fulkerson, Jackie Gurtierrez, Andalyn Hall, Yolandy Leilua, Olivia Money, and Stacy Stapel. 

Ali Earnshaw, SJHS Staff Writer

Service Learning Takes a Trip to Brookside

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Mrs. Adrienne Murray, the Service Learning teacher at Springville Junior High School, and her service learning walk to Brookside every Friday to work and play with some of the elementary students. Mrs. Murray said, “The service learning class has gone to Brookside on a regular basis. A few of the students have chosen to be in charge of going to the school as their semester service project.”  

Cassidy Bowers, SJHS, Staff Writer

Freshmen Girls at SJHS make the High School Basketball Team

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This year at SJHS, we had two freshmen girls make the Springville High School basketball team. Lexi Moeaki and Lindsay Johnson, ninth grade, both made the junior varsity (JV) and sophomore teams. The teams practice, together, everyday from 3-5 PM, in the G-Wing gym at the high school, with the exception of Saturday practices that are usually in the morning. The JV and sophomore games start December 2nd at home, against Herriman and end the beginning of February. The JV team usually plays at 3:30 and the sophomores usually play at 7:00.

Lydia Austin, SJHS Staff Writer

Mr. Cudney’s amazing photography class

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Photography is a one-semester class taught by Mr. Mitch Cudney. Photography takes place during sixth period. Mr. Cudney said he hopes to “get students excited about taking photographs” through this class. 

According to Sarah Mitchell, an eighth grader at SJHS, she likes photography because she likes the assignments that they get, and she enjoys taking pictures. Sarah said other kids in her class seem like they enjoy being part of photography.

Chase Kimball, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS November Super Knight Assembly

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On November 4, 2011, the students at SJHS attended an assembly for their Super Knights. During the assembly, a dance class performed and the 4H drama club performed for the rest of the student body. Mr. Ken Van Ausdal, SJHS principal, came up with the idea to give out Super Knight awards, and it started this year.

Marin Rosenberg, SJHS Staff Writer