Goodbye ninth graders!

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Springville Junior High has been a home to many, but we all must move on eventually.  The ninth graders of 2011 have to leave the junior high as the end of school closes in.  The typical ninth-grade status is known as being the rulers of the school.  Susan Suazo, eighth-grade student at SJHS, said, “I’m looking forward to walking down the seventh-grade hallway and be looked at like a goddess or a queen.”  The eighth graders this year are really looking forward to being the ninth graders at SJHS next year. 

Tiare Spencer, SJHS Staff Writer

Get Tangled

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Are you looking to go on an adventure with somebody that you just met, and all you have to protect you is a frying pan and a small little chameleon? I bet that you are not, but Rapunzel from the not-so-new film Tangled was.

The long-lost princess Rapunzel has spent her entire life locked away in a tower. But when a cunning thief sneaks his way into her hiding spot, she comes up with a very mischievous plan. Rapunzel is about to discover who she really is, while finding out about the world around her, and she's a little nervous about it.

Stacy Stapel, SJHS Staff Writer

Excitement, final exams, end of school here we come!

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

A new term has rolled around the corner here at Springville Junior High. According to Sara Torsak, eighth grader, “I view the beginning of a new term as a clean slate; you can have a fresh start.”

Fourth term is the last term of the year for the students. In the last quarter there are many events: track and field, tennis, student-lead conferences, awards ceremony, Lagoon day, and spring break!

Mrs. Caras, science teacher, said, “Fourth term is my favorite because I like the material I teach. I also enjoy the coming of spring, spring break, and then May... the last month of the school year.”

Joee Lowe, SJHS Staff Writer

Farewell Blakey, Farewell

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Goodbyes are never easy, especially when they’re for someone close.  On March 8th, 2011, SJHS said goodbye to Mr. Blakey, a counselor here at Springville Junior High.  Mr. Blakey was known as a counselor, a coach, and a friend to many at the school. 

“The reason for leaving SJHS was the opportunity to work at a high school, Maple Mountain High,” said Mr. Blakey.  He also said that it was really hard for him to leave behind those that he was working with, and the friendships that he had built for the past four years.  The staff and faculty said that he will be greatly missed as a colleague, and as a friend.

Tiare Spencer, SJHS Staff Writer

Mrs. Gleave Choreographs

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Students here at SJHS recently saw this years school musical, “Once Upon a Mattress,” which was choreographed by Mrs. Gleave, Springville Junior High School Geometry teacher. According to her, she loved the show and loved being able to work with all the talented students of SJHS.

Performances of the play went from March 10th to the 19th; although it wasn’t performed everyday. The performances were in the SJHS auditorium.  According to Darby Farr, ninth-grade cast member, her favorite part of the play was the ‘Spanish Panic’ dance.  She said, “It was kind of hard but way fun to learn and perform; the best move was when we did Soldier Boy!”

Stacy Stapel, SJHS Staff Writer

Boys servin' it up at tennis

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

All seventh through ninth grade boys have the opportunity to participate in boys tennis.  At practice some of the things they do are play matches against each other, run drills, practice different hits and work on consistency. Tanner Garvais, an eighth grader as SJHS, said, “We do conditioning, run, and lots of other stuff, we don’t just play tennis.”

Renae Lovelace, SJHS Staff Writer

Guest chef visits SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Mrs. Luke is mixing it up in the foods room. Students are cooking foreign cuisine and salads. A guest chef visited Mrs. Luke’s eighth and ninth grade food classes on March 21st. Brian Smith, Mrs. Luke’s brother-in-law, came to demonstrate a variety of foods for her students. Katelynn Marshall, ninth-grade student, said, “I liked it when he came.  It was really fun to learn to make all that food and watch him make it.”

Chef Brian Smith has been coming every semester to Mrs. Luke’s food classes for six years now. Mrs. Luke, foods teacher, said, “He comes because he loves to share great recipes and it’s always fun to have people come in and share new techniques and ideas.”

Joee Lowe, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS elects 2011-12 student council

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Student council is more than a few students who are on a committee for school—it’s  leadership. Most people want to run for student council because of the fame that comes along with it, but it’s also about being a good example to others.  Amanda Ripley, an eighth grader at SJHS, said, “I wanted to run for student council because I want the world to be a better place. I can start at SJHS with student council and then work my way to the world.” According to Mr. Knudsen, vice principal at SJHS, student council is an opportunity for students to be leaders. It’s also a chance to be able to hear the voice of the students towards school events.

Ali Earnshaw, SJHS Staff Writer

Book Review: The epic finale of Harry Potter

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

A massive hunt for dark objects and mysterious signs in a book are what await Harry and his two best friends as they conclude their epic story. With Professor Dumbledore gone, they must continue his mission to stop Lord Voldemort, but this is no picnic. Ministry Wizards and Death Eaters have set a ten thousand galleon price on Harry’s head so he and his friends must embark on their journey in secret. Leaving the wizarding world in wonder of what has happened to them, Harry, Ron, and Hermione go on an adventure to end this epic series.

Sarah Clark, SJHS Staff Writer

Students teach, Mr. Shields learns

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

On March 21st through March 27th if you walked into Mr. Shields’s classroom you wouldn’t see him up there teaching. You would see his students, and if you looked around the room, you would see him sitting in the back of the room acting like an eighth grader.

Camilla Dunn, SJHS Staff Writer