SJHS Leaves Drugs in the Past

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

“Leave drugs in the past,” was one of the many quotes going around Springville Junior High during their Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week is a week where students and teachers dress to the theme of the day and pledge to stay drug free. From October 22 to 29th each day had its own quote; the quote mentioned earlier belongs to Retro Day. 

Retro Day was the day were students dressed up as a hippie or any other kind of outfit representing the past. This is a fun and creative way to help students stay off drugs. “I think if you use your imagination then it could be helpful,” said Zach Droubay, ninth grader and vice president of the student council.   

Shannon Lott, SJHS Staff Writer

Teachers and Students Switch for Red Ribbon Week at SJHS!

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

On Tuesday, October 26th, students and teachers at Springville Junior High School dressed up for Switch Day. Switch Day is when teachers and students switch places; the teachers dressed as students and vise versa. There are five dress up days for Red Ribbon Week, SJHS started out Red Ribbon Week with Crazy Hair Day, then Sports Day, Switch Day, Retro Day, and last but not least, Freestyle Day.

Melissa Jenson, SJHS Staff Writer

Sports Day at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Students and teachers at Springville Junior High participated in Sports Day on October 25th as part of Red Ribbon Week.  They were learning to be more athletic, instead of choosing drugs as an alternative.

Stacy Stapel, an eighth grader at SJHS, has advice about how to avoid drugs, “Do stuff that will have a positive influence on you.”

Sports Day is all about teaching students to get up, get out, be active, and motivate others to be better.

Anna Bunnell, SJHS Staff Writer

One Crazy Hair Day at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Friday, October 22 started out as a normal day at Springville Junior High School. It didn’t take long to realize something was different. Students showed up with dolls, flowers, and pencils sticking out of their hair. It was the kickoff of Red Ribbon Week-crazy hair day!

Red Ribbon Week is a week where students and teachers focus on staying away from drugs. This year’s Red Ribbon Week at SJHS started off with crazy hair day, and the motto for the day was “Wake up and leave drugs behind!” Students focused on why drugs are bad for you, and how to avoid them.

Amanda Ripley, SJHS Staff Writer

Knights Run Their Final Race

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

On Tuesday, October 12, 2010, the cross country team at Springville Junior High ran their final race. Just to compete and have fun, the team members gathered at Memorial Park with all the other schools in our district-Springville, Mapleton, Diamond Fork, Payson, and Mount Nebo Junior High Schools to compete, and just have fun.

Sarah Cheney, SJHS Staff Writer

Students Explore Food at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Mrs. Natalie Luke is Springville Junior High’s foods teacher. She absolutely loves teaching in the foods class. Mrs. Luke said, “I love seeing kids succeed in making things with their hands. It is also always fun to see the teamwork that takes place in my classroom.” Mrs. Luke also loves to teach about the tools students use to make the different kinds of foods.

Faith Atkinson, SJHS Staff Writer

Learning about the Government at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

In history class, students learn about a variety of different governments, societies, and cultures. But, to most students, the most important thing they will learn is how our own United States government functions. Through participating in the democratic process, U.S. citizens can have an effect on the way they and others around them live. Government and law is a class at SJHS that focuses on the way our government works and how we can better utilize and enrich it.

Christopher Taylor, SJHS Staff Writer

Scientist of the Month

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Sarah Cheney has been selected as the Scientist of the month. She is an eighth grader at SJHS. Sarah loves to draw, read and do ballroom dance. In one of her ballroom dance competitions, she was able to win 5th place out of 40 couples in the high school category. She also plays the piano, ice skates, and is on the journalism staff here at SJHS. She loves school, and her favorite subjects are art and English.

David Kindrick, SJHS Science Teacher

Students at SJHS Hunt for Enjoyment

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Here at Springville Junior High, there are many types of students who enjoy many different things. Some of these people enjoy the thrills of hunting.

“My favorite part of hunting is being with family,” said Allan Maughan, a ninth-grader at SJHS. Hunting can bring people close together. Hunters are out in the wilderness looking for a certain animal, but a lot of it is just relaxing with their families. Hunters can discover new bonds they never knew existed and find knew things out about eachother.

Cody Woolsey, SJHS Staff Writer

The Game of Trivia

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Mrs. Rice, honors English teacher at Springville Junior High School, is working students’ minds to the maximum with Trivia. On Fridays during Quest Time Mrs. Rice puts on Trivia Games as a fun way for students to learn and be enriched.

Mrs. Rice’s class allows students to learn a variety of new and fun facts. Mrs. Rice asks students trivia questions on popular culture, sports, history, geography and Walt Disney. Some days students get the opportunity to write their own questions. Then they take turns asking their questions. These questions, from the students, can end up being school-related or completely random. Students enjoy learning both.

Emilee Christensen, SJHS Staff Writer