New Principal at Springville Junior High

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

This year at Springville Junior High School there is a new principal: Mr. Ken Van Ausdal. Before coming to SJHS, Mr. Van Ausdal was principal at Salem Elementary for four years.

Mr. Van Ausdal has done a lot of different jobs professionally. He was a resource teacher at Santaquin Elementary, an assistant principal at Eastmont Middle School and West Hills Middle School, and the principal of Butler Elementary and Salem Elementary.

Michelle Herrera, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS: A Destination or a Journey?

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Springville Junior High School students and teachers are finding unique ways to get to school. On weekdays everyone needs a way of getting to the junior high. There’s the usual: walking, taking the bus, or getting a ride from a parent. But this year, SJHS is uncovering new ways to get from point A to point B.

Emilee Christensen, SJHS Staff Writer

Trust Lands Program Helps Education at Springville Junior High

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Trust Lands is a state program that gives schools money to buy new equipment and other supplies that make learning for the students easier.  This year at Springville Junior High the money has been put towards many different things to improve the students’ learning progress.

Shannon Lott, SJHS Staff Writer

Students Create “This” Projects in SJHS Honors English Class

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

This year in Honors English the ninth graders have been making a “this”. Mrs. Mary Rice, Honors English teacher at SJHS, said,  “A ‘this’ is called a ‘this’ because there are many folded pieces to it, and as I explained the folding to students, I found myself constantly using phrases like ‘then fold this’ or ‘bring this together with that.’  And thus a ‘this’ was born.”  A “this” consists of specially folded pieces that contain specific information about a text that students used their summer reading to create, with Mrs. Rice’s assistance. 

Andrew Creer, SJHS Staff Writer

Students Become Cartographers

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

At Springville Junior High School, eighth-grade students in Mr. Greg Shields's U.S. History class are learning to be cartographers.  A cartographer is someone who makes a map. Students are in charge of making a map of the United States. Students will add all of the rivers, mountain ranges, regions, and most of the lakes. Students get to use their personality and imagination as they make their maps. They are allowed to decorate the maps in any way that they want. The project is worth 180 points and is due on October 21st. Students will be graded on creativity, neatness, completeness, and total effort put into the project.

Rachel Standley, SJHS Staff Writer

Tracking Progress with SIS at Springville Junior High

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Students’ grades can have a huge effect on their lives.  Colleges look at grades when handing out scholarships and accepting applications. Employers look for good grades when reviewing job applications. And, almost all parents give out consequences to their children based on their grades.  That’s one reason why Nebo School District teachers and students want an effective, simple way to track students grades. The method they have chosen is an online computer program called Student Information System.

Christopher Taylor, SJHS Staff Writer

Magic with Mr. Rice

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Mr. Brian Rice, eighth and ninth-grade English teacher, does a 20 minute magic show every Monday morning during Quest Time in his room. “It’s a fun class, I would recommend for people to go see it,” Said Miriam Burell, an eighth grader at Springville Junior High.

Mr. Rice said, “The class gets about 36 students a day, sometimes I have to turn some students away because my classroom is so full!”  He learned magic as a kid. He claims to have always had an interest in magic, one day he just picked up a book and started to read about it. After some amount of time he learned more and more tricks.

Shannon Lott, SJHS Staff Writer

The Cheerleaders of the Future

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Recreational cheerleading is a sport for girls in sixth through ninth grade. Recreational cheerleading is when girls cheer for the football teams of boys in their own grade. The teams are sponsored by businesses around Springville. There are teams like the Johnston Tire Jaguars, SOS Drugstore Bears, Quality Cleaners Vikings, and Reams Badgers.

To be able to do recreational cheerleading, the parents of the girls who want to do cheerleading can sign up during the start of the summer or late spring at the recreational center in Springville. The Springville Recreational Center is located at 443 South 200 East, or you can visit, then click on City Departments, then Recreation.

Kallie Whitby, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS says “Tennis Anyone?"

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Pictured above:  Back row left to right: Sarah Skimmer, Victoria Ireland, Kylee Richmond, Linsday Johnson, Melanie Anderson, Elisa Coral, Kaylee Richmond, Lilly Girrot, Stacy Aragon. Front row left to right: Makinna Sokobuski, Ciara Snapp, Ally Smith, Savannah Bowers, Krystena Robbins.


Emilee Christensen, SJHS Staff Writer

Students learn States and Capitals for U.S History Competition

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Each eighth grader in Mr. Greg Shields’s U.S History classes will memorize all 50 states and capitals. This year Mr. Shields has come up with a game to help students memorize them; it’s called Around the World. All the class periods have three people who are the fastest at saying the states, and they compete against the other three fastest people in the other classes.

Michelle Herrera, SJHS Staff Writer