Author Chris Crowe visits Springville Junior High

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In Mrs. Bass’s ninth grade English classes, they have been reading “Mississippi Trial 1955,” by Chris Crowe. As part of their learning experience, Mrs. Bass’s classes invited Dr. Crowe, an English Education professor from BYU, to come and speak to them about his book and the history behind it.

The book is about the famous Mississippi Trial and a boy who lived during that time. Dr. Crowe spoke about the cause of the trial, the results, and how different society was back then from how it is today. 

Kara Dunn, SJHS Staff Writer


Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Every year, Springville Junior High School celebrates R.A.S.K. Week (Random Acts of Selfless Kindness). The purpose of this week is to encourage the students to perform service for others to form unity in the school.  The Service Learning class came up with different ideas to get students to get excited about helping others.  Each day, there’s a different theme to help students remember to help each other.

Starting on Monday, March 22, there were different activities going on at SJHS.  Monday was Sports Day, when students could dress up in their sports clothes and “Sport” Kindness, and there were organized sports outside during lunch.

Kristi Hatch and Kara Dunn, SJHS Staff Writers

Ms. Hamilton, Teacher and Friend at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Springville Junior High is blessed to have such a wonderful faculty and staff, teaching them, helping them, and most importantly, being their friend. One of these amazing staff members is Ms. Diane Hamilton, a math teacher at SJHS for students who need additional instruction and help in Pre-algebra and Algebra 1A. 

Before starting to work at Springville Junior High eleven years ago, Ms. Hamilton graduated from BYU, and started looking around for a job. “SJHS called me, and here I am,” Ms. Hamilton explained. 

Kara Dunn, SJHS Staff Writer

Super Citizens at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

At SJHS, there are some pretty amazing people.  The administration is always helping out students, and teachers come every day in order to give students the education they need to be successful in life.  At the end of each year, however, Springville Junior High School recognizes some students who have been “Super Citizens.”

These students have been nominated by teachers and staff at SJHS, and they receive a letter to their parents (to inform them of the great things their child has done), a certificate, and they get to go on a field trip on Friday, April 2nd.

Kristi Hatch, SJHS Staff Writer

Sixth Graders Visit SJHS

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On March 2nd, 4th, and 5th, sixth graders from elementary schools all around Springville to spend a day at Springville Junior High, learning what it was going to be like next year.

The sixth graders went to an assembly where they are introduced to the faculty, their new counselor, some of their options for next year, and the way things work around Springville Junior High. After the assembly, the students were given a tour of the school and then ate lunch before going back to their elementary school. 

Kara Dunn, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS Intramural Schedule

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Springville Junior High PE department offers intramurals each day after school(except for early out Wesdnesdays).  Students are invited to come and play for fun or to make up PE absences.

Volleyball intramurals will run from March 15 until April 1.

Indoor Soccer will be offered after volley.  More details TBA.

Color Guard Tryouts

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Springville High School is hosting Color Guard tryouts for any students that will be attending the high school next year and are interested in joining the Color Guard team. Try outs will be April 12th, 13th, and 14th.

Color Guard is a dance team that not only consists of dancing, but also equipment work such as flags, rifles, and savors. 

People wanting to try out will learn a small dance routine and learn the basics of flag work, and then have to perform in front of the Color Guard instructor.

Kara Dunn, SJHS Staff Writer

Amazing Soccer Player at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

At Springville Junior High, there are some pretty amazing students with some unique talents. One of these incredible students is eighth grader Danica Nusink.

Danica’s talent is soccer, but she’s no ordinary soccer player.  Out of about 200 soccer players, Danica was one of the 36 people in her age group who made it to the State ODP, which stands for Olympic Development Program. ODP trains the top players state wide, and after the players make State, they can move on to Regional and even National.

Danica started playing soccer about two years ago.  Danica explained, “My friends were doing it, and I was playing on a school team, so I decided to try out for competitive soccer.” 

Kristi Hatch, SJHS Staff Writer

Learning Chinese at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

For the second year at SJHS, one of the many elective classes that is available is Chinese.  The Chinese class has a wonderful teacher, Mrs. Debra Wells, and the students enjoy it. 

Kristi Hatch, SJHS Staff Writer

Seventh Graders at SJHS Get Jobs

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Seventh graders at SJHS skipped school on February 5th and spend a day acting as an adult for Job Shadow Day.  Job Shadow Day is a day where the seventh graders spend a day with someone who has a job and learns about that job.

Ms. Josie Jarvis, CTE teacher at Springville Junior High, said, “Job Shadow Day is really beneficial because students get the opportunity to spend the whole day observing a specific job that they may be interested in. We want students to get thinking about a career path, so they can explore different paths before they head down a certain career path.”

Kara Dunn, SJHS Staff Writer