Journalism Presents to Nebo School Board

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

On Wednesday, February 10, 2010, the journalism class of SJHS made a presentation to the Nebo District School Board.  Using the same presentation as when they presented to the Nebo PTA, the journalism class impressed the School Board. 

Mr. Rolfe, the principal of SJHS, introduced the class and the teacher, Ms. Miley.  Then three students of the class, Kara Dunn, Katya Wagstaff, and Christopher Taylor presented a brief summary about what the duties and opportunities of the journalism class, after which there was a video presentation that Ms. Miley put together. 

Kristi Hatch, SJHS Staff Writer

Super Bowl Debate

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

In Mr. Shields’s eighth grade history classes, students have been debating and learning about politics as they determine who they think will win the 2010 Super Bowl.  On February 5, students used the Electoral College system to vote on who they thought would be this year’s champion. 

Kristi Hatch, SJHS Staff Writer

Love is in the Air at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Valentine's Day is a holiday that is celebrated throughout the world. It has never been confirmed as to where this holiday originated, but there are, however, many speculations. The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine that were martyred, but the real origin has never been confirmed. 

Springville Junior High school is celebrating Valentines Day this year in a few different ways. The Service Learning class is creating Valentines that students can buy and give to other students. These Valentines will cost one dollar, and the service learning class will deliver them to the appropriate student during the students’ sixth period class. 

Kara Dunn, SJHS Staff Writer

Spotlight on the Cello

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Have you ever been walking down the hall and heard the low hum of a cello? Every day the orchestra students have the opportunity to listen to the graceful sound of the Violoncello, Which is the long name for the cello. For the students who play the cello, “It’s great! I wish I could have 8 periods of orchestra!” said Reid Dwiggins, a cello player in the SJHS orchestra. Even the people who don’t play the cello love the sound.

Jacob DeRosia SJHS Staff Writer

Weightlifting with Mr. Hansen

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

A lot of people in the world list weights almost every day; SJHS has a great teacher who is willing to spend his time and help kids work out. Mr. David Hansen, history teacher and weight lifting coach at SJHS, thought that there was a need to have a weight lifting program so students who have pent up energy can come and let some of it the energy go. Mr. Hansen thinks that lifting weight is a great way for students to physically exert energy in a good, positive way. Mr. Hansen loves to see kids come and do physical activity. It helps them meet their goals and look forward to something.

Kaleb Barnum, SJHS Staff Writer

Ms. Jarvis: CTE teacher and professional barrel racer

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

One of the most popular classes among seventh graders at SJHS is Career Technical Education (CTE). Ms. Jarvis teaches the Introduction to Business section of CTE. Ms. Jarvis wanted to teach because in high school she was interested in teaching and the business field. She decided to teach business so she could combine the two.
Ms. Jarvis said, “I love teaching because I get to know the students; they are so funny and have great personalities.” Because she teaches also computers, she teaches information that they will use at school and at home, “It is so fun to see them take those skills and use them at home or in other classes.”

Morgan Bowser, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS Journalism Class performs superbly at PTA presentation

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

On January 20th, Springville Junior High’s journalism class gave a presentation to the district PTA board about what goes on in the journalism class and how they write their articles.  “Whenever the district PTA has a meeting, it’s hosted at a different school. The schools are asked to give a presentation for the PTA members, and Mr. Rolfe asked that the journalism class give the presentation at our school,” Ms. Miley, the journalism teacher, explained.

Kara Dunn, SJHS Staff Writer

Mrs. Murdock, New Teacher & Coach at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Front row, left to right:  Ashley Crookston (manager), Sarah Patrick(manager),  Courtney Lefevre, Ripley Tew, Maddi Staheli, Mackenzie Morris, Amanda Sly, BreAnna Elzinga (manager),  Ashly Endicott(manager),  and Assistant Coach Murdock.  Back row, left to right: Emily Daybell, Kara Stoddard, Sarah Ripley, Brooke Caswell, Amy Tingey, Cami Sumsion, Mindy Staple, and Coach Kindrick


Jacob Simmons, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS Students Participate in Honor Orchestra

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

You always hear about Honor Choirs and Marching Bands, or in other words, extra-curricular activities for band and choir members.  But this year, Nebo School District has put together an Honor Orchestra.  Each school had about ten or twelve students who got to go to Springville High School on Thursday, January 21st to participate in this program.

These students were under the direction of Dr. Dabczynski, a professor at Brigham Young University.  They only had two rehearsals to get their music perfected before their concert: a four-hour rehearsal on the 21st, and an all-day practice on the 26th, and then they returned for a concert that night at 7:00. 

Kristi Hatch, SJHS Staff Writer