Learning and teaching math at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Every year in school brings changes, but math is something that remains constant for your entire education. SJHS is just like any other school in this regard.  However, our school is different from others because of the kids and teachers that participate in the math program. We not only learn, but many kids have fun as well.

Christopher Taylor, SJHS Staff Writer

Mr. Blakey Does Double Duty at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Springville Junior High School is committed to excellence, it is in their “Knight’s Code.” One of the many people who help make the school so great is Mr. Shaun Blakey, counselor and boys' basketball coach.

Mr. Blakey was born and raised in Springville, Utah, and graduated from Springville High. After high school he went on to get a bachelors degree in business marketing, and a masters degree in counseling from the University of Phoenix. He then came to SJHS to be a counselor.

Jacob Simmons, SJHS Staff Writer

Girls Dance their Hearts Out in PE

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Girls taking Physical Education at Springville Junior High have started a dance unit.  This unit gives them a chance to try something besides what they consider “normal” sports.  The girls choose group members and choreograph a dance to music of their choice. 

Some may wonder why Mrs. Kelly Anderson, the girls' P.E. instructor, strays from a curriculum of traditional sports such as soccer and volleyball.  Mrs. Anderson said, “I think the girls really enjoy being creative and performing the dances.” 

Katya Wagstaff, SJHS Staff Writer

Students Research the World in Geography

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Students are working hard in Mrs. Rebecca Murdock’s Geography class trying to get their country projects done. These projects will be presented in class on October 28th or 29th. Right now the Geography class is doing a unit on the Middle East so each student was assigned a country from the Middle East. Mrs. Murdock, the Geography teacher, said “I expect each student’s best work. They have an option to choose which type of project they would like to do, so I expect that they'll have fun while learning.”

Max Schreiner, SJHS Writer Staff

SIS Grading System Training on October 21 at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

With the end of the term quickly approaching, one of the biggest concerns parents and students face is grades.  Nebo District uses S.I.S., an online program, to track student attendance and grades.  Springville Junior High is hosting a training program for parents all throughout Nebo district on October 21, at 7:00 p.m. at Springville Junior High (165 South 700 East). This training program should be an easy walk through with two translators handy to answer questions or concerns.

Kara Dunn, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS Goes Red for the Week

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Last week at SJHS, the students showed their commitment to not getting involved with drugs. The Service Learning class gave out the dress up days and themes for the week.  Monday was spirit day, “Show your spirit by not doing drugs.” Students dressed up in their school colors to show their school spirit. Tuesday was hero day, “Be someone else's hero, and don’t do drugs.” Wednesday was sports day, “Be athletic, not pathetic, and don’t do drugs.” Thursday was swap day, “Dress as your favorite teacher and your teachers will dress as you, swap drugs for education.” Friday was crazy day, “Go crazy on candy not drugs.”

Chelsea Ricks, SJHS Staff Writer

Heroes at Springville Junior High

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

During the week of October 5th – October 9th, students at Springville Junior High celebrated being drug free with Red Ribbon Week. The Service Learning class picked a different theme for each day of the week so students and teachers could dress up and show their school spirit. On Tuesday, October 6th, Springville Junior High teachers and students dressed up as their favorite hero.
From Superman to their parents, students and teachers could be seen roaming the halls dressed as something they’re not, but looking up to someone else because they were living a drug free life.   

Kara Dunn, SJHS Staff Writer

Ready, Get Set, Dress up for sports day!

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Last week was Red Ribbon Week here at Springville Junior High, and school spirit is busting at the seams. On Thursday, October 7, 2009 the students of SJHS dressed up in their favorite sports uniforms to show they are, and will stay, drug free.

For the past week the students and teachers are dressing up to “swap drugs for education” these dress up days are meant to celebrate school spirit, but according to some students, it’s just an excuse to dress up for school.

Jacob DeRosia, SJHS staff writer

Teachers and Students Swap Places as SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Thursday was crazy at SJHS! Students dressed like teachers, and teachers like students! What’s going on? Why, it’s Swap Day, part of Red Ribbon Week. Swap Day represents “Swapping Drugs for Education.” On this day, students were SUPPOSED to wear what the teachers wear, and vice versa. The Red Ribbon effort was organized by the Service Learning class.

Jack Setzer SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS students learn about the Government

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Many kids want to have a position in or participate in the government someday. The Government and Law class teaches them how to do this.  Government and Law is an exciting class at Springville Junior High, where kids learn about how the government works and how they can apply its principles to their own lives. It is taught by Mr. David Hansen, and both ninth and eight graders may take the class during eight period. The class is one semester long.

Christopher Taylor. SJHS Staff Writer