IOWA Testing at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Eighth graders at Springville Junior High just finished IOWA Testing.  Mrs. Monica Linton, a Springville Junior High counselor, said, “Testing is situated in third, fifth, and eighth grade so than students don’t have to test every year."

The testing lasts for one week of the school year in eighth graders history class.  The test includes the following subjects: reading, language arts, math and science.  Each of these sections test the students’ knowledge in the individual subjects.

Spencer Duncan, SJHS Staff Writer

Library TA's help out at SJHS

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Ever wondered how librarians get so much done? Well, Mr. Gary Brimhall, SJHS librarian, has designated 8th and 9th graders to assist him with his library duties during their free periods. They help out in the library and make copies for teachers. They say that they became TA's because they like helping out. More specifically, Library TA Bronson Bartholomew said he likes his job because “you get to help out teachers and other students.”

According to Mr. Brimhall, the responsibilities of a Library TA are to “check out and check in books, put books away once they’re checked in, and do all the copy jobs.”

Jack Setzer, SJHS Staff Writer

Out With the Old, in With the New SJHS

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On June 23 of this year, the 160 million dollar Nebo Bond and Leeway was passed.  This bond gave the Nebo School District much needed funds to build new schools and repair older ones.  Part of that money is planned to be used to build a new Springville Junior High School.  According to Mr. Darrel Rolfe, principal of SJHS, the new school and architectural plans for it are still in the “going to happen stage.” 

Katya Wagstaff, SJHS Staff Writer

Amazing counselor at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

    Throughout their junior high years, some students have personal problems big or small, and there is a group of dedicated people who are always there to help out with problems.  That group of people is the counselors.

Mrs. Monica Distefano is a very well-known and loved counselor at  Springville Junior High. Throughout the past three years she has helped many teenagers who either have personal problems or are just feeling unhappy about life. Whatever the reason, she is always prepared to talk to them.

Jose Martinez, SJHS Staff Writer

After School Writing Lab at SJHS

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Most students at Springville Junior High have not yet heard of the important news - there is an after school writing lab for students. Students can use this writing lab to finish assignments on computers or get help on their writing assignments.

Cody Woolsey SJHS Staff Writer

Orchestra 101

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Have you ever wandered through the halls and heard the beautiful melody of the violin? Or perhaps the viola, cello, of bass? Here at Springville Junior High, hearing an instrument isn’t hard to come by.

Mr. Tsugawa not only teaches 96 students at the junior high, but he also teaches many more students at Springville High School. For 21 years he’s been busy spending half days at both schools, and the students have nothing bad to say. Eighth Grader Hayde Blanco said, “He’s really fun, there are lots of things to love about orchestra.”

Julie Barbosa SJHS Staff Writer

The Sunroc Lions win… again

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Last Tuesday evening the streets of Springville were quieter than normal. Of course! That’s why; the Sunroc Lions faced an intimidating opponent: The Payson Giants.

Immediately after the Reams Badgers defeated their opponent, the Lions took the field and amazed crowds from the start. From amazing kicks to two touchdowns within the first half, the Lions kept the crowd in their seats for the duration of the game.

Although they won, Tyler Sumsion, a player on the team, said, “We did really well in the first half, but in the second half we could have given 80% more effort.” Many SJHS students showed up for the football game and all said it was the best game so far.

Jacob DeRosia SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS Journalism Class is Back

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With the new school year, Springville Junior High School has a new journalism class to bring you information about the school and its surroundings.
The journalism class is taught by Ms. Tiffanie Miley, who also teaches seventh grade English. “I enjoy teaching journalism because it's a class with an immediate real-life application,” said Ms. Miley. She continued to say that because of the real-life nature of the class, it motivates her students to do their best work. Surely, many teachers would like that.

Jacob Simmons SJHS Staff Writer

Mrs. Maughan: New English Teacher at SJHS

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Mrs. Koriane Maughan is a new eighth grade English teacher at Springville Junior High. She has also taught at Salem Hills High School and Lehi High school. She hopes this year she can help her students get excited about English.

The reason why Mrs. Maughan decided to teach is because she had a summer job as a dance teacher; she had so much fun teaching girls to dance that she realized she wanted to do it for a career. She decided to teach English because it was something she enjoyed at school.

Morgan Bowser SJHS Staff Writer