What has ESL been up to?

Submitted by brenda.granzini on

Every week in ESL class we do a themed lesson around a children's book. We participate in front loading conversations, preview vocabulary, and do extension activities that allow us to review and use vocabulary in context. 

This week our focus was on a book titled, "Strega Nona" by Tomie de Paola about pasta, magic, and the idea that actions have consequences. Later in the week students got to eat some delicious pasta donated by El Sartén.

Thank you El Sartén, it was enjoyed by all! 🍝


Mrs. Denis

Info for the Week of October 25 -- Info para la Semana del 25 de octubre

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.

Dear SJHS parents and guardians:

Today marks the end of the first term of the school year. We have had a great first term; we feel like our new and returning students are getting to know each other well and have been able to establish friendships. Since today is the last day of the term, there is no school tomorrow. We hope you and your families will have a good long weekend.

If students missed the information meetings for wrestling or 9th grade basketball, please have them visit the office for the information packets.

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Info for the Week of October 18 -- Info para la Semana del 18 de octubre

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.

Dear SJHS parents and guardians:

We hope that you and your family have a wonderful Fall Break starting tomorrow. Here are next week’s events:

  • Tomorrow and Friday, October 14 & 15: Fall Break
  • Tuesday, October 19: 9th grade boys SHS soccer informational meeting at 2:45 in the cafeteria
  • Thursday, October 21: End of Term 1
  • Friday, October 22: No school

If you aren’t already following our school Instagram account at sjhs_knights, please do so for school happenings and announcements.

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Info for the Week of October 11 -- Información para la Semana del 11 de octubre

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.

Dear SJHS parents and guardians:

We just finished up a great Red Ribbon Week with dress up days, trivia, and lunch games. Our student council did a great job of planning the week and carrying out the activities. We appreciate their work! Next week will be a short week. We only have three school-wide activities:

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Legos in English!

Submitted by brenda.granzini on

Check out Ms. Edenfield's 9th Grade English class creating scenes from their Lit Circle books using Legos. Click the article to see all the pictures! 

Ms. Edenfield

Term 1 Catch Up Day

Submitted by brenda.granzini on

All teachers will be available on Thursday, October 7th until 4:00 pm to help students who may have fallen behind or need some extra time or help on their assignments. The end of the term is October 21st, so we encourage students to use this afternoon of extra time.

Todos los maestros estarán disponibles hasta las 4:00 el jueves 7 de octubre, para ayudar a los estudiantes que se hallan atrasado o necesiten más tiempo o ayuda en sus tareas. El final del trimestre es el 21 de octubre, por lo que animamos a los estudiantes a que usen esta tarde de tiempo extra.

Vandalism Update & Info for the Week of October 4 -- Actualización e Información Sobre Vandalismo para la Semana del 4 de octubre

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.

Dear SJHS parents and guardians:

Next week is Red Ribbon Week! We will have dress up days, trivia of the day, and lunch time activities. Thank you to our student council for all of their planning! 

Tiffanie Miley, Principal