Picture Make-up Day

Submitted by brenda.granzini on

Picture make-up day is tomorrow, September 28th. Please check the flyer for the order link and code. Include your student's English teacher's name.

El día de remplazo de fotos es mañana, 28 de septiembre. Consulte el el volante para ver el enlace y el código del pedido. Incluya el nombre del maestro de inglés de su estudiante.

Info for the week of September 27 -- Info para la semana del 27 de septiembre

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

(Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.)

Dear SJHS parents and guardians:

It was so good to see so many of our parents at parent-teacher conference last night! If you were unable to attend but have questions for any of your child’s teachers, please send them an email. All teacher email addresses can be found on the school website.

Here are the events for next week:

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

3D Street Art!

Submitted by brenda.granzini on

Mrs. Spencer's art classes have been busy creating their 3D street art! 

Make sure to come check out all the cool 3D art tomorrow during parent-teacher conference.

Mrs. Spencer, Avery, Preston, Beckett, Yurem, Olivia, Amy, and Maddy

Info for the week of September 20 -- Info para la semana del 20 de septiembre

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

(Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.)

Dear SJHS parents and guardians:

We appreciate all the help we’ve received from our parent community with our vandalism issues this week. We’ve made good progress throughout the week, and we feel like we’re in a better place than we were on Monday. Thank you for your support and assistance!

We have two important calendar items next week:

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Info for the week of August 30 -- Información para la semana del 30 de agosto

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

(Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.)
Dear SJHS parents and guardians:
We hope that your students have had a great second week of school! We only have a couple of school-wide events next week:
Wednesday, September 1

  • School Community Council meeting at 3:00 in the library
  • Get to Know You dance from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Only Springville Junior High students may attend. The cost to attend the dance is $3 and will be collected at the door.

Thursday, September 2

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Info for the week of August 23 -- Información para la semana del 23 de agosto

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

(Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.)

Dear SJHS parents and guardians:

We have had a great first week of school. Students are finding their way around, and our teachers have enjoyed getting to know the students in their classes! Our homeroom classes met for the first time today. The purpose of homeroom is to give students academic, emotional, and social support. Students will get to know each other, build positive relationships, and develop a sense of belonging. Homeroom will meet each Monday and Friday between 2nd and 3rd periods. 

Next week’s events:

Tuesday August 24

Tiffanie Miley, Principal