The Weakley Twins: Best friends forever!

Submitted by tara.pina on

Hillary and Heather Weakley are identical twins. From what they wear to what they say to what they look like. Hillary says the best thing about being twins is, ¨You always have a permanent best friend.¨ Heather explains it as a ¨A built-in BFF wherever we go.¨ Hillary says that there are no bad things about being a twin. On the other hand, Heather says that ¨Like normal siblings we fight sometimes.¨ Heather likes to wrestle and Hillary likes to dance. They both like soccer and being with friends. As Heather puts it “We are both just happy people!” They love each other and are so glad to have each other! 

Article written by: Aspen Cook , student reporter

He’s Fun, He’s Smart, He's Helpful: It’s Mr. Hammon!

Submitted by tara.pina on

We all know Mr. Hammon, the health teacher at Springville Jr. High. How could you not! Even if you don’t have him, you’ve heard of him from your friends. Matt Hammon, known to us as Mr. Hammon, has been teaching health for six years. He decided to teach health because he wanted time for his family and health because "It's most applicable to life." His favorite part of teaching is when he helps kids to help them learn and change their lives for the better. Every year he always tries to make lessons better and more informative for his students. In addition to that this year, his goal is to help students with COVID-19 stress. Mr. Hammon's advice for us is simple but important, "Be kind." Mr.

Article written by: Megan Conrad , student reporter

All About Sabrina!

Submitted by tara.pina on

Sabrina is one of the many talented ninth graders here at Springville Jr. High. Sabrina is always very bright and willing to help others. In her free time, she likes to draw and play the ukulele. Sabrina is enjoying her ninth grade year here at SJHS and enjoys being in band and student council. She wanted to join the student council for the chance to be able to make a difference and be in a group with similar interests to hers. Sabrina is very hopeful for her future where she is planning on going to the University of Michigan and studying aerospace engineering where she then hopes to someday work for NASA. Something that most people don't know about Sabrina is that she has 7 pets, and can play four instruments!

Article written by: Francesca Campbell , student reporter

Info for the Week of 12/14/20 -- Información para la Semana del 14/12/20

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

(Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.)

Dear SJHS students, parents, and guardians:

Our student council has organized a holiday spirit week for next week, including dress up days and activities during lunch. We hope all of our students get involved!

Monday, December 14:

  • No Mirror Monday -- Wear pajamas or crazy hair.
  • Girls basketball vs. Spanish Fork at home (Athletics schedules and live links:
  • Boys basketball @ Spanish Fork (Athletics schedules and live links:

Tuesday, December 15:

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Nebo Child Nutrition Workers Needed

Submitted by tara.pina on

Come make a side income while your children are in school, be off when the children are (including holidays and breaks), and get your steps in for the day! Lunch is on us.

Starting wage $11.74/hr with opportunities for advancement. No experience required! Positions available districtwide.

Apply at

Feel free to call (801) 354-7438 or email mary.quist [at] (mary[dot]quist[at]nebo[dot]edu)  with any questions.

Lana Hiskey, District Community Relations Specialist

Intérprete de español para conferencia de padres y maestros

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on
Si desea hablar con un hablante de español manana durante nuestro conferencia de los padres y maestros para hablar de su hijo y su educación, regístrese para un horario haciendo clic en el enlace. Si tiene otras preguntas o inquietudes, comuníquese con Taylor Frossard en taylor.frossard [at] (taylor[dot]frossard[at]nebo[dot]edu) o puede llamar al 801-489-2880. 
Taylor Frossard, Intérprete de español

The Wonderful Ms. Wirfs

Submitted by tara.pina on

The start of the school year is expected to bring many new changes. For Mrs. Wirfs, this year brought a big change for her too! She switched schools and is brand new here at Springville Junior. 

Article written by student reporters in the Yearbook Class

Parent-Teacher Conference on 12/3/20 --Conferencia de padres y maestros el 3 de diciembre

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Dear SJHS parents and guardians:

We hope you had a good Thanksgiving! We will be having Zoom parent-teacher conferences this Thursday, December 3, from 3:30 to 7:00pm. Please click here for a list of SignUp Genius links to make appointments with each of our teachers.

If you’d like to help provide a meal for teachers before parent-teacher conference on Thursday, please visit this SignUp Genius. Thank you to our wonderful PTA!

Tiffanie Miley, Principal