Parent-Teacher Conference -- Conferencia de padres y maestros

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on


Parent-teacher conferences for term 2 will be held on Thursday, December 3 from 3:30 - 7:00pm. The conferences will be held via Zoom. Please click here to make an appointment with any of your child’s teachers. You  may also find email addresses for each of your child’s teachers on the faculty page of our website.


Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Change to Parent-Teacher Conference & Info for the Week of 11/30/20

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Dear SJHS parents and guardians:

Rather than doing an in-person parent-teacher conference like I emailed about last week, we will be holding our parent-teacher conferences via Zoom on Thursday, December 3. I will send out a list of SignUp Genius links next week for you to make appointments with your child’s teachers. Appointment times will be available between 3:30pm and 7:00pm on December 3. You are also welcome to contact your child’s teachers via email. You can find email addresses for each SJHS teacher at

Junior high athletics will start up again next week:

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Cambio a la conferencia de padres y maestros y Información para la semana del 30/11/20

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Estimados padres y tutores de SJHS:

En lugar de hacer una conferencia entre padres y maestros en persona como la que envié por correo electrónico la semana pasada, en realidad haremos conferencias entre padres y maestros a través de Zoom el jueves 3 de diciembre. Le enviaré una lista de enlaces de SignUp Genius la próxima semana para que programe citas con los maestros de su hijo. Los horarios de las citas estarán disponibles entre las 3:30 pm y las 7:00 pm el 3 de diciembre. También puede comunicarse con los maestros de su hijo por correo electrónico. Puede encontrar las direcciones de correo electrónico de cada maestro de SJHS en

Tiffanie Miley, Principal

Getting to know Angelina Allmendinger

Submitted by tara.pina on

Angelina Allmendinger is one of the many great ninth-graders here at Springville Junior high. Some of Angelina’s favorite things to do are play the piano and read. “I’ve always wanted to learn how to play music by ear. To just hear a song and be able to play the basic melody and chords on the piano.” Angelina’s favorite thing about school is hanging out and talking with her friends. “My favorite class is orchestra because I like playing music on the cello, and Mr. Taylor is one of my favorite teachers.” Her favorite place that she has ever gone to is Washington D.C because there were a lot of cool things to see. The advice she has for 7th and 8th graders is “Try new things.

Article written by: Delia Thompson , student reporter

About Rachel Mason

Submitted by tara.pina on

Rachel Mason is a 9th grader at Springville Jr. She is someone who always has a smile on her face and a gleam in her eye. When she's not with friends she’s doing some of her favorite activities. Such as tennis, basketball, and dance. She likes these sports because they are active and they are fun to do with friends.

But in school, science is her favorite class “Because it teaches you a lot about life, and I like that.” Rachel works very hard but her family and friends are there to support her every step of the way. If you see her she will always have a smile on her face.

Article written by: Emily Sumsion , student reporter

Ethan Johnston: family first

Submitted by tara.pina on

Ethan Johnston is one of the 8th graders here at SJHS, he cares a lot and potentially will do anything for his family. His wish is to have a billion dollars but not for the reason most teenage guys might want a billion dollars. “My wish is probably to have a billion dollars because I would like to help my family with a house and bills.” His favorite subject is cooking because it’s chill and fun to be in and the teachers are nice. Another reason is that he used to cook with his mom a lot. He doesn’t do any sports but like most teens, he just likes to hang out and chill with his friends when school isn’t in session.

Article written by: Gianna Furner , student reporter

Meet the tennis playing, baking, and painting Ava Nielson!

Submitted by tara.pina on

Ava Nielson is an eighth-grader at our school and plays tennis. She was on our school’s tennis team and has been playing for three years. She played as a single, but then played with a partner for the last part of the season. Besides tennis, she likes to paint watercolor and watch tik toks on her phone. School is sometimes hard for her, especially math, but she likes foods because she likes to cook and bake. Ten years from now, Ava wants to run her own flower shop on Main Street. Ava would want to learn the guitar. She really looks up to Harry Styles and loves his song “Sign of the Times”.  “It costs nothing to be nice,” says Harry Styles, and Ava lives by this. She loves tennis, baking, painting and she is really fun.

Article written by: Megan Conrad , student reporter

Getting to know Sammy DeLlamas

Submitted by tara.pina on

Sammy DeLlamas is one of the most fantastic seventh graders here at Springville Jr. High. Sammy likes the many different classes and options here at Springville Jr and she loves to read. She looks forward to high school because “I am very excited to make new friends.”  When asked about her future, she wants to play college volleyball and as of right now she plans to be playing club volleyball and she looks forward to playing on the highschool Lady Red Devils team. Sammy is a very bright person and if you get the chance you should get to know her.

Article written by: Francesca Campbell , student reporter

Meet Amayrani Espino

Submitted by tara.pina on

Amayrani is very open in what she says. She always tells the truth. Amayrani likes to be called “Roni” because she says that some people always mess her name up. I asked her what was her favorite thing about our schools and she said “the food, specifically the hot and spicy chicken sandwich” and she also likes the lunch ladies because they are really nice according to Roni. “The fries are so good and the frozen strawberries.” She always thinks about food by the way.

Article written by: Edgar Arguelles

Meet the one and only REESE FLESHNER

Submitted by tara.pina on

Reese’s are the world's most favorite candy, that pretty much sums up what you will think of our one and only Reese Fleshner.
“Ummmm yeah,” says Reese Fleshner as he sits in math class following the teacher's instructions about adding exponents. He doesn’t blend in with the crowd with his very blonde hair, blond eyebrows, and wireframe glasses over his bright blue eyes, and a big smile. This guy is one of a kind. He did a google search of his name to discover he is the only Reese Fleshner and possibly the only Reese Fleshner to ever to have existed.

Article written by student: Micah Allen