4/2/20 SJHS info -- 2/4/20 info de SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

(Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.)

Dear SJHS parents and guardians:

I hope that this email finds you and your families well. We only have two more days until Spring Break; teachers will not assign any new material over the break, so hopefully students will get a little bit of a breather. I have encouraged teachers not to check their email over the break, and I would encourage your students to do the same. I will not be sending emails over the break unless there are important announcements that can’t wait until April 13.

Tiffanie Miley, principal

Computer and Internet Access / Computadora y Acceso a Internet

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

(Haga clic en "leer más" para Español.)

If you do not have internet access in your home, please click HERE for free options. Parents can also go to the Xfinity Store at 21 W University Pkwy in Orem to receive internet access and equipment. Please bring a photo ID. There are income guidlines to qualify.

3/18/20 lunch program updates -- 3/18/20 actualizaciones del programa de almuerzo

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

(Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.)

Dear Parents,

In this ever-changing environment, Nebo School District is working hard to meet the needs of the children in our communities. Nebo School District’s Child Nutrition Department has received a fee waiver from the State Board of Education through the USDA. Therefore:

Spencer Sainsbury, Coordinator of Child Nutrition

Online learning starts 3/18/20 -- El aprendizaje en línea comienza el 18/03/20

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

(Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.)

Dear SJHS students,

We hope that you are doing well at home! Your teachers have been working hard for the last couple days getting some online learning ready for you. Until we come back to school, please log in to Canvas every day (https://canvas.nebo.edu/) from home starting TOMORROW (Wednesday, 3/18/20). You will need to start in Canvas and then click through each of your classes every day. Teachers will post activites for you to do in either Canvas or Google Classroom starting tomorrow.

Tiffanie Miley, principal

3/17/20 SJHS Chromebook pickups / Chromebook de SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

(Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.)

Dear SJHS parents and guardians:

We hope that this email finds you and your family well. If you do not have enough comptuer devices for your children to participate in online learning, we have Chromebooks available for your SJHS student to check out when school is dismissed for the next two weeks. (If you have children attending other schools in Nebo District, please contact those schools to see about Chromebook check out.) We would like to stagger the pick up times to reduce the number of people we have in the building at one time.

If possible, please come pick up your child’s Chromebook TODAY, TUESDAY, 3/17/20, at the following time:

Tiffanie Miley, principal

3/16/20 SJHS at-home learning update / Actualización de aprendizaje en casa de SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

(Desplaza hacia abajo para Español.)

Dear SJHS parents and guardians:

We hope that this email finds you and your children well! Teachers have been hard at work today setting up Canvas classes and preparing online instruction for our students.

Tiffanie Miley, principal