Student Teachers

Submitted by tara.pina on

Every year student teachers come to SJHS which is super exciting, but how do they feel about student teaching?  In this article you will learn how student teachers, and students really feel about student teaching!

The student teachers come in and teach the class. Let’s see how some students like this! Spencer Neel said “ I like my student teacher because they have a different perspective on things.” Regan Holley said, “I love my student teacher she is nice, understands the students, and tries to get to know them.” Student teachers are very helpful and the students love them.

Article written by student: Elizabella Francom

Student Spotlight: Lily Holladay

Submitted by tara.pina on

    Lily Holladay is an awesome 9th grade student here at SJHS. Want to find out more about Lily? Read on!

    Lily’s thoughts on school? “I like it, kind of. My favorite class is Biology because I like learning about science.” Some of Lily’s hobbies include playing the violin, and like she said, learning science. “Science is interesting because you find out how stuff works. It’s more hands-on than other school subjects.”

Article written by student: Cam Hall

On Wheels

Submitted by tara.pina on

Do you ever just stop and think about how funny something could be, like roll-skating? Roller skating is humans intentionally strapping on 8 wheels just to move a little faster.  And here we are, SJHS students getting into a large metal can with 4 large wheels to go to this term's Citizenship Party, it all seeming very funny. When the wheels started to move, bands of students laughed while others blasted music from portable speakers. Parker Smith told me, “The bus ride was fun.  I sat with friends and listened to some music!”

Article written by student: Max Whipple

Techies take the spotlight

Submitted by tara.pina on

In every successful musical there is a fantastic cast and a great Director but little does the audience know, behind the bright lights and glittering costumes, are the techies. Manning the spotlights and fixing the mics they set the stage for the cast to shine. “I've done tech since I was like seven because I didn't have enough time to be in the actual play.” says Emma Payne, “If you don't have time to do the actual musical it's a good way to have fun with your friends that are in it, and it's cool to learn about the stage”.

Article written by student: Ella Stewart

Musical Rehearsals

Submitted by tara.pina on

You’ve seen our school plays/musicals, but have you ever seen all the time, hard work, and effort that goes into it? Probably not so that's why I went behind the scenes at their rehearsal of the song in the musical called “Breaking Free.” We talked to one of the cast members named Belle Gabbitas, who plays Gabriella and she said she is very excited, and she thinks it will turn out good it always does. Then I continued to ask her If you didn’t have this role what role would you like to have?

Article written by student: Kobri Fausett

Love in Junior High

Submitted by tara.pina on

In the spirit of Valentine's Day last week I asked people some questions about love. As “teenagers” in junior high I thought it would be interesting to see our opinion and point of view on it. A ninth grade girl responded to my questions with, “I personally don’t believe in love at first sight just because you don't know their personality.

Article by Wynter Smith, student

Teenagers have brains?!

Submitted by tara.pina on

Have you ever wondered what the most confusing part of your life is? Yep, you got it, it’s the teenage brain. Some teenagers and other adults have wondered what their brain does and what it’s like. Well, thanks to Mr. Rockwood, the 7th graders at SJHS get to learn about their brain being developed into an adult brain.


Article written by student: Carter Turley

Cupid is Calling

Submitted by tara.pina on

Valentine's day is a day where we give love to those we care about.  The students at Springville Jr High are excited. Some kids at school give valentines to their friends and sometimes even a special someone.  Valentine’s day is fun and enjoyable, almost every student at Springville Jr High likes valentines day but for different reasons.

Article written by student: Brooke Constantine

Springville Jr. High Boys Basketball

Submitted by tara.pina on

Basketball is one of the most popular sports in America, and at our school we represent really well with both our teams. This article is on the boys team, but we have a great girls team too.

    The NBA was started in 1946, but the sport basketball itself has been played for longer. Springfield College, in Massachusetts, has the credit for coming up with the game of basketball in December of 1891. James Naismith, a Canadian doctor was one of the innovators behind the sport.

Article written by: Cam Hall