Fan Zone

Submitted by tara.pina on

We talked to Zack Antonino, one of the student section starters. We asked him why he decided to start the student section “ Me, Colin, and Maizie(all in 9th grade)  just thought it would be a fun way to socialize at the games.” The student section has had people that usually don’t go to the games start coming. Then we asked what his favorite theme to get people to dress up in was and his favorite is white out.Lastly  we decided to see what the people in the crowd actually thought of the games and the student section.

Article written by: Kobri Fausett


Submitted by tara.pina on

Woodworking is a class to let you express your imagination and creativity through hard work and fun. Lydia Brooks thinks that woodshop is fun because of “Creating projects, and being with friends”. Hyrum Cardona also thinks the wood shop is fun and says  “Is not as boring, plus you can make stuff”. Woodshop is not for all students because it is hands-on when some students might be more into the paperwork.

Article written by Zachary McNeil

Play Preview

Submitted by tara.pina on

Have you ever been to one of Springville Junior Highs school plays? If you haven’t you definitely should when it opens in March. It will also help fund our school’s stage. It’s also just a fun experience for students. Quincie Barton said “I tried out for the musical because I like to sing” She also said that she likes having a good time. Quincie said the tryout process was this, “I had to prepare a song, wear a dress, and do a dance.” Overall, the school play is just a good fun thing that students can choose to be in and if they decide not to try out, they can just have a good time watching the play. We're excited for this spring's musical to open soon! 

Article written by: Jada Mayo

Spotlight: Maya Brown

Submitted by tara.pina on

Maya Brown in a seventh grader here at Springville Junior High who is currently on the schools wrestling team. Maya got a serious injury with an opponent from Spanish Fork. “During the match, I think the guy I was wrestlings got frustrated because I kept getting out of his holds. He went behind me and grabbed my wrist and put his arm around my waist. Then he kind of threw me, which isn’t illegal as long as he goes down with me. He didn’t go down with me though and  I hit the ground on my left side, I felt my shoulder pop inward. Everyone around me heard like a pop snap kind of thing. My coach thought I was better than I actually was tried I lift me up but when he did I was overwhelmed with dizziness.

Article by Wynter Smith

The Best Of The Best (Super Knights)

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This year’s September and October SuperKnights are Axston Squire, Jocelyn Mendez, Driggs Ellison, Ella Peterson, Alexa Child, Tommy Wilde, Julia Oberg, Coleman Jarvis, Warrick Small, Elizabeth Hogelin, Eli Whiting, and Edith Knoebel. They are all so excited to be SuperKinghts! I went and interviewed Axston Squire, Coleman Jarvis, and Edith Knoebel. I asked Axton, Coleman, and Edith if they were surprised that they got a SuperKnight award. They all replied by saying, “Yes very surprised. We didn't think we were going to get it.“ Axston added on with, “I was very surprised.

Article written by: Amber Haslam

5,4,3,2,1 Happy New Year!

Submitted by tara.pina on

It's the new year and the students at Springville Junior High are making New Year’s resolutions and trying to be a better person in the new year.  Resolutions vary from working out every day, doing service every day, or just being a better person in general.

Article written by: Brooke Constantine

Holiday Traditions

Submitted by tara.pina on

Holiday traditions, everyone has them. But what are they? Evan Smith an 8th grader defines traditions as “A time where everyone is gathered together, it is a time to make memories.”. Here are the traditions of some students. Olivia Dover an 8th grader shares her family’s traditions “On Christmas eve we go to my grandparents house and have a big dinner, and we open our Christmas pj’s. At the beginning of December we go and see Christmas lights” Now we have another student, Sarah Hubbard telling us her traditions“ On Christmas morning we have orange cinnamon rolls for breakfast with our grandpa. Every year we draw names for our siblings.” Luna Melicio, an 8th grader tells her family's traditions.

Article written by: Kennedie Young

New Citizenship Program For The School

Submitted by tara.pina on

Recently our school started a new program, chivalry citizenship. What it is, is all the students get a card that has a bunch of awards on it such as extra credit,a free treat or a free tardy. How it works is if you have a good citizenship grade you can use these rewards to go to lunch 5 minutes early and get $1 off of a dance/Play. Most students are happy about the change, Kelly Robertson said “I like the chivalry card because we get to go to lunch early also, I like the free treat because we get free food.” On the chivalry cards there are three early lunches. When you use them you get to go to lunch 5 minutes early so you have a chance of getting the food you want.

Article written by: Remick Whiting

The Christmas Dance, love it or hate it

Submitted by tara.pina on

Some students say that the dances have become a little boring. When asking the students what they thought, there were lots of different opinions.

When asking Lauren Mesinar what she thought about the dance she said “Yes I think they are fun to go to.” Lauren said that her favorite part about the dances is being able to talk to all of her friends.

Article written by: Libby Hodson

9th Grade Honors English Field Trip to the BYU MOA

Submitted by tara.pina on

English honors field trip to the BYU art museum was a wondrous and new experience for multiple students. The honors students were attending the field trip to observe Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Pictures and posters fully displayed  Inspiring and heart wrenching pictures showing police brutality, segregation, pure joy, agony, war, and love. Isaac Neilson said that “ The sculptures were unique and very cool” The picture above shows one of the favorite art exhibits called “Windswept” and was created by Patrick Dougherty.

Article by Aspen Clyde