National Junior Honors Society

Submitted by tara.pina on

Have you ever heard about NJHS and wondered what it means? Well it means National Junior Honor Society. In NJHS you have the opportunity to do a lot of fun and exciting service projects, such as going to Art City Elementary and helping out with the carnival, going to the citizen center and singing songs to bring in the holiday joy! Mrs. Ottley is the teacher in charge of NJHS, she said “NJHS is a great way to do service and get good leadership skills.”

Article written by: Elizabella Francom

Girls Basketball

Submitted by tara.pina on

Everybody chooses their own path, what we do now defines who we are and what we will become. Out of the three girls that I interviewed two of them started playing very young. All of them love it. Ashlee Bayles described it as defining. Elizabella Francom described it as exciting, Ady Ashcroft described it as competitive. Even though they all play different positions, even though they all have different views. All of them hope to do it again. The girls basketball team works hard to win, they practice every day. They have won every game, undefeated. The team is close and they work together to get what they want. They treat each other like family and they use that bond to do what needs to be done.

Article written by: Ella Stewart

“Excelsior Stan Lee, Excelsior”!

Submitted by tara.pina on

Stan Lee died on November 12, 2018, and millions of Marvel fans are devastated. He is the god of Marvel and Cameos! He’s created most of the famous Marvel icons including Captain America, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, and one of his most favorites, as well as mine, Spider-man! When he started, he was just a writer, and people would ask him what his job was, and he would always say,’’ I’m a writer”, and maybe sometimes people would ask, well, what do you write?, and then he would always say,” Kid novels”, and walk away, not knowing that he would soon be famous.


Article written by: Carter Turley

Meet Mr. Anderson

Submitted by tara.pina on

Mr. Anderson is a math teacher at Springville Jr. High. He teaches 7th grade and 9th grade Honors math. His class is often talked about a lot, why? Elizabella Francom one of his 9th grade Honor students said when asked about his class, “Mr. Anderson is a great teacher, he teaches in a way that is easy to understand.” A 7th grader who is in his 7th grade math class, Kya Corrales agrees with Elizabella Francom on “He teaches in a way I understand.” Ryan Hubbard a former student of Springville Jr. High who is now attending Springville High. When asked about taking Mr. Anderson’s class Ryan said, “I loved Mr. Anderson’s class!

Article by Sarah Hubbard

The Secrets Behind Student Council

Submitted by tara.pina on

Most people may think that Student Council is just students working to make the school a happy and fun place for fellow students. But let's go behind the scenes and see what really happens in the 45 minute class period during school. Student Council is always helping around school whether it's ` making posters or having a meeting with  the assistant principal but no matter what they are doing they are always busy. Zach Jackson said “When we aren’t helping fellow students with school we usually meditate or do whatever we can” Meditation is a type of focused thinking it can help you feel calm and not stressed about the daily world around you.

Article by Remick Whiting

What's your future?

Submitted by tara.pina on

Throughout our entire lives we have been asked what we want to do when we grow up, who are we now and who do we want to become? As we learn and grow ,our answers change and grow with us. We start to want different things and work on improving them in our daily actions.  Sometimes we don't know what we want, so we are stranded in an fictitious limbo; not knowing where we stand, not quite sure which way to go. We push ourselves and eventually find what we want to be, and how we will achieve that goal.

Article by Ella Stewart

Ms. Jensen

Submitted by tara.pina on

A student Olivia Haigh says that Ms. Jensen “makes the classroom fun brighty and happy.” Ms. Jensen has been teaching English here at Springville Jr. High School since 2015. Ms. Jensen was asked why she teaches English, she replied “because storytelling is always important. Books help make us better people. English is the most fun… personally.”

Ms. Jensen enjoys Fantasy. Her favorite book is Mila 18 and her favorite book to teach is The Outsiders. Ms Jensen also enjoys teaching poetry.

Article by Zachary McNeil

Digital Literacy

Submitted by tara.pina on

This year there is a new class that is being required by the State for 8th graders to take. It is called Digital Literacy and it is exactly what it sounds like. The whole purpose of this class is to teach kids about computers and how to teach them. Mrs. Maughan the former english teacher teaches this class. She was looking for a fun, new change and was talking to Mr. Mcguire and they came to an agreement that she would take the job. Mrs. Maughan says that she thinks this class is awesome and can tell that the students do too. “Yes, it’s awesome.” she said “Kids love computers and I think that everyone wants to be better at them because they know how important they are besides just “Shell Shocker”.

Article by Alexia Hunter

Mrs. Bird 9 Grade Apparel Design & Production Class

Submitted by tara.pina on

Forty-Five minutes of hard work and fun. Students get to put their own personal zing on each apparel design project that they make. Apparel Design and Production is a class for 9th Graders at Springville Jr. High, the class is taught Mrs. Bird a Clothing and CTE Introduction teacher. In Apparel Design and Production, student Calianne Skinner said, that her favorite sewing project this year so far has been the overnight bag/duffel bag. Calianne Skinner said, when asked what project she is looking forward to, “I’m looking forward to being able to make my quarter quilt!” Emma Burnham, like Calianne a Apparel and Production student at Springville Jr.

Article by Sarah Hubbard