Article: Cell Phones, would you allow 'em?

Submitted by tara.pina on

Cell phones are almost essential to most pre-teens and teenagers today. We take them to school all the time, and they can be 100% distracting. But are they helpful? Students at here at SJHS all have strong opinions about them.

When asked how often he uses his phone, Ryan Witney said “Whenever I get the chance.” Also, when asked the same question, Hayden Antonino said, “I don’t know, probably a lot.” But most people are like Raef Grierson, who only uses his phone when he’s done with work.

Article by Jake Follette - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: The Vanishing After School Activities

Submitted by tara.pina on

Math, makeup, help, understanding, knowledge, fun.  After-school at Springville Junior High looks a lot like the previous sentence.  While Mr. Rencher is the man in charge of after school detention for the students, Mr. Anderson is the man to go to for help on math.  The teachers love what they do, and love helping the children improve and help make up tardies and work. More people taking advantage of the opportunity of math lab and detention makes a better future.

Article by Ashlee Bayles - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Things That Make The School Safe

Submitted by tara.pina on

Recent events in the United States have caused worry towards our school's safety in emergency situations. Our objective in this article is to inform you that our school is positively secure. A majority of students and staff here feel safe and feel they could stay calm in emergency situations with current plans. Most feel the school is well prepared for any circumstance. In example of Aiden Lowe who said that he would feel safe in case of an emergency situation.

Article by: Cody Creighton And Gavin Jones

Article: Stakeholder survey may help determine how our teachers teach

Submitted by tara.pina on

Recently students at SJHS were given the opportunity to take the Stakeholder Survey. The Stakeholder survey is a survey that all students are recommended to take. This survey lets you share your opinion about any of your teachers. The first part of it is multiple choice and the second part is free write. You are allowed to write whatever your opinion is about the teacher that you chose. That’s the basics of the Stakeholder survey.

Article by Wynter Smith - SJHS Student Staff Writer

SJHS PTSA Receive 9 Springville Mayor Recogntiion Awards

Submitted by tara.pina on

The Springville City Council Chambers was filled with some pretty amazing students and their parents in February as Mayor Richard Child and the City Council honored them for their community service and involvement in the Springville Junior High Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA).  A few of the note-worthy projects they have been involved in are; fundraising efforts raising over $25,000 to help assist Mihkenna Merrill with her medical expenses, picking pumpkins and gourds for Harvest Farms, volunteering with Happy Valley Farmer’s Market and helping with Red Ribbon Week. The SJHS PTSA is led by wonderful parent volunteers.

Shannon Acor

SafeUT Awareness Days February 22 & 23

Submitted by tara.pina on

In light of the recent events in Florida and other tragedies that have happened around the country, Nebo School District is teaming up with KSL on February 22, 2018, as we Stand Up for a Safe Utah. Utah has a very powerful resource and that is the SafeUT app. As you all know, the SafeUT app provides real-time crisis intervention and has been proven to save lives and stopped planned school attacks.

Our goal is to make sure that every parent, student and educator is aware of the app and has it downloaded on their phone.

Lana Hiskey

Article: Changes to Quest Time

Submitted by tara.pina on

The changes to Quest Time over the last year have caused a lot of confusion to the students of Springville Junior High.  Ms. Shepherd was saying that with the removal of movie rooms and advisory it made it easier for some of the teachers to manage their classrooms.  Should there still be movie rooms or was that a good move by the principals of our school?

Article by Ella Stoddard - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Springville Mayor and City Council Honor Exceptional Nebo Students

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Newly sworn in Springville Mayor Rick Child gave out his first Mayor’s Recognition Awards at January’s 2018 City Council Meeting. The Mayor and City Council recognized two Springville Junior High students who are dedicated to excellence and service.

Article by Shannon Acor