Ask Seka #3

Submitted by tara.pina on

Q. Is the universe finite or infinite? If we were able to travel to the outer edges of the universe, what would we find? Perhaps we would run smack dab into another universe, but how would we know? Would the other universe somehow come in a different color, operate with a different set of rules, or smell slightly like almonds? How would we know? I’m imagining a large sign that says, “You have reached the end of Universe A! Welcome to Universe B where proximity is not an issue!” How much is infinity plus one?

A. Only God knows tbh

Dear Seka,

Article by Sekaquaptewa Groves, SJHS Student Staff Writer

Iayla Searle

Submitted by tara.pina on

Iayla is an 8th grader here at SJHS, and is a goofy girl. Her middle name is Florence, and Math makes her bored, no surprise. If she had a power, it would be to see dead people. She admires people that aren’t afraid to be weird in public, and she envies me, “because you have beautiful hair,” she said.

Article by Rainy Hickman - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Right On Track!

Submitted by tara.pina on

Many students at Springville Junior High are participating in the school track and field team.  All students from 7th-9th grade are allowed to take part in this after school activity, and are able to take up to 4 events, with exceptions. Track meets are held on Fridays at high schools in Nebo School District.

The next meet they have is a home meet at Springville high school against Payson and Mapleton. Most kids are very excited and confident for this one based on the meet from last week. The track team went to Payson and Springville, the Knights, beat the Grizzlies.

Article by Morgan Roper and Jennifer Wallentine - SJHS Student Staff Writer

4 tips to get through the last month of school

Submitted by tara.pina on

There's just a little over a month left till school gets out, so get ready for some long weeks of staring at the school calendar waiting for the end of the school year. To make sure you survive, we’ve compiled some tips for surviving the last few weeks of school.

Tip 1: Stay Productive

Some students will slack off the last week of school, just counting the days till the bell rings for the final time. But you’re reading this, so you know that you need to stay on track. missing assignments will still count against your grade, and Sage testing will need your extra effort. Pay attention in class, and do your work.

Tip 2: Study

Article by Micah Schmitz - SJHS Student Staff Writer

End of the school year!

Submitted by tara.pina on

At Springville Junior High School, the school year is rapidly closing in and many students are excited for their summer break to begin, but before the school year can end the students must take SAGE tests or  (Student Assessment Growth and Excellence test) we not only have tests to finish but we have many fun events coming up Lagoon,Boondocks for Super Knights, school dances and classroom parties.

Ariane Perez/Diaz said that she is excited but nervous for the school year to end but nervous for sage testing. When asked if she like SAGE testing she said that she likes it because it doesn't go on SIS. And she is excited for summer break to begin because she wants to hang out with friends.

Article by Saydie Vanleuven and Chandler Kiser - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Transitioning to High School

Submitted by tara.pina on

This year, our ninth grade student body will be the first class to graduate from SJHS after attending all three years in this building. Next year they will all be transitioning from the easy breezy style of junior high to life altering high school. ”The change is different but exciting,” said one student.

Carter Johnston, a ninth grade student, said his favorite part of the junior high is the teachers. He describes the fact of being one of the first people to graduate all three years as “solid” and “great”. He’s most excited for driving in high school. He says his favorite memory from junior high was having Hansen in 7th grade.

Article by Alyssa Badger - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Watch these kids go on Spring break:

Submitted by tara.pina on

Spring break! It's almost there! It's that horrible time just before the break when you have to quickly raise your grades or else you won’t be able to go down to St. George, (I, a personal witness) and you have to become a little angel to try and figure out all the kinks and loose ends. And then, when the time is finally nigh, when for a week there’s no tests, evaluations, or assignments, and you can chew gum, beloved gum!

Article by Trey Widtfeldt - SJHS Student Staff Writer

April Showers Came a Bit Early This Year

Submitted by tara.pina on

Rain has poured its soul out this past week in late March, and will continue to pour for the rest of this week and into the next.

“It cancelled my softball tournament last week, and continues to keep me off the fields to practice. I hope it clears up soon.” Says one student.

While some people hate the rain, others openly embrace it.

Averi Smith, an eighth grade girl, loves to play in the rain. “It’s very pretty to watch.”

Lexi Love, an eighth grade girl, says that she loves warm rainstorms. “The smell of rain is amazing!”

Article by: Stazie Killpack - SJHS Student Staff Writer

How to Have the Best Spring Break

Submitted by tara.pina on

No big plans? Nothing to do over the break? No problem! Maybe you can’t take a trip to Italy or go see the Grand Canyon but there is plenty to keep you busy. Springville Jr. High students you don’t have to sit inside on your phone or constantly watching tv. You have a break from school no need to waste it away. Enjoy the break this April first through ninth.

Article by Jocelynn Garner - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Student Council elections

Submitted by tara.pina on

Friday, March 31st, 2017

Around the end of the school year each year, 9th graders start to prepare for high school. 8th graders will soon be 9th graders and want to try out for student council. This week elections took place; many people want to get in but only 12 are aloud each year.

Right now the second round of elections are going on, many people are extremely nervous for the interview itself, they are scared about people around school seeing them on camera. Molly Hunter said “Because i want to be able to maybe my school better and help my peers know they can always count on me.”  

Article by Jenny Wallentine - SJHS Student Staff Writer