
Submitted by tara.pina on

Accreditation happens every 5 years; It recently happened at Springville Junior High.  We as a school scored at total of 314,  one of the highest scores in the state! The network average score is 278.94. Each school is graded on many categories some of them include: Teaching and Learning, leadership, and Resource Utilization.

Article by Stazie Killpack and Morgan Roper - SJHS Student Staff Writers

RUN! For Track

Submitted by tara.pina on

Track is coming up, and it's a pretty simple thing to do. You run, you jump, and then you biff it because the hurdle was too high. It's coached by Mr. Hammon, the health teacher, and Mrs. Bodily, one of the math teachers. Diego Clark is one of Mr. Hammon’s students, and Mrs. Bodily is his advisory teacher, who has taken in the idea of going to the first track meet. Diego said, “I really want to go to track meet, because I have always thought it was fun to run, I think i’m really fast, albeit, I have a really weak amount of stamina. I also really want to go as Mr. Hammon is one of my favorite teachers, and he was one of the primary aspects that motivated me to join track, I also know Mrs.

Article by Trey Widtfeldt - SJHS Student Staff Writer

SJHS Journalism

Submitted by tara.pina on

If you are reading this, you probably have a decent idea of what SJHS’s journalism staff is.

But if you don't, read on, and maybe think about doing this class next year.

Journalism is a class you can take in eighth  and ninth  grade. Its purpose  is for students to post articles about current events, teacher spotlights, or even pieces on memes of 2016. It's a smaller class at an honors english level taught by Mrs. Piña.

Article by Micah Schmitz, SJHS Student Staff Writer

Spotlight: Leah Davis

Submitted by tara.pina on

Leah Davis is a 9th grade girl that is an amazing student that a lot of people don’t know. The electives she did, or is doing this year is photography, choir, and drama. The reason why she chose these electives is because they sounded interesting and she loves them.

She wouldn’t consider herself well know due to her little bubble, meaning she keeps to herself and doesn’t talk to people she doesn’t already know.

Article by Rainy Hickman, SJHS Student Staff Writer

Snapchat or Instagram

Submitted by tara.pina on


At SJHS the most popular social media apps are Instagram and Snapchat. Emma Ashton, a 8th grader at SJHS, likes snapchat better than instagram, she said that she has both but likes snapchat better because you can text with friends. She said that she has had it for 6 months and has 130 friends on snapchat.

Zach Mitchell, a 8th grader at SJHS, said that he likes Instagram better because you can post pictures and he said it's easier to react with friends on instagram, he said he has had it for a few years and he has about 880 followers he also likes it because you can find funny videos.

Article by Chandler Kiser, SJHS Student Staff Write

Singing In The Play

Submitted by tara.pina on

Singing in the Rain is a classic musical that has been around that has been around for decades and here at SJHS they are recreating the iconic musical. It premieres the end of March, and many of the actors and actresses are super excited to show the school the play to everyone willing to watch. But since the play is still a ways a way, the actors told us what they think of the rehearsals so far.

Most everyone seems to have about the average of 3-5 rehearsals a week, whether or not they are a main character. This year they have a new choreographer to teach them all the dance numbers for Singing In The Rain, and everyone seems to love her.

Article by Jenny Wallentine, SJHS Student Staff Writer

Backpacks Banned

Submitted by tara.pina on

Backpacks are not allowed in classrooms or hallways at Springville Jr. High. This rule has carried from Springville’s old Jr. High on 700 S in Springville. Because the hallways were about half the size of the new school, backpacks were deemed an unnecessary waste of space. They made the hallways extremely cramped and hard to navigate. Both students and teachers decided that backpacks needed to go. When the new Jr. High was built the hallways were made a lot bigger which fixed that problem.

Article by Stazie Killpack, SJHS Student Staff Writer

Seka’s Advice! Week 1

Submitted by tara.pina on

This week I asked people to send in their questions. Here are the results!

Greg wolf 5000 asked: Hey Seka. So I enjoy the company of this guy and he brushed my hand the other day. Does that mean he wants to hold my hand? Because if I don't get his body language soon he will stop talking to me.  I really like him so please help me. As I said he is not patient at all. Please help.

Article by Sekaquaptewa Groves, SJHS Student Staff Writer

CTE! (Specifically Mr. Rencher)

Submitted by tara.pina on

It goes by many names, CTE, CACA, (College And Career Awareness)  so on, and so forth. The purpose of the class is to prepare you for the ramen consuming, Nickelback listening chaos that is college. There are three classes all going in a trimester where you cycle through each teacher. There is Mrs. Bird, the home ec teacher, Mr. Parker, the computer sciences teacher, and finally, Mr. Rencher, who does, well, most of the College prep. Mr. Rencher is the main target of this, as he is probably the biggest asset to the College and Career studying. One of the students even verified that they have been studying potential jobs that they could get, and specifically which one appeals to them the most.

Article by Trey Widtfelt, SJHS Student Staff Writer