SJHS Lovebirds

Submitted by tara.pina on

Springville seems to be quite the hotspot for love. As you may have noticed, there are quite a few couples among us. With Valentine's Day a couple weeks ago, there is more love in the air than ever. Some people believe that love in junior high doesn’t exist, others experience it. Let’s see what people think.

Article by Alyssa Badger, SJHS Student Staff Writer

Lunch Changes

Submitted by tara.pina on


It’s the beginning of 2017. New year, new lunch schedule? Springville Junior High´s staff has voted on the lunches changing. This rearrangement has put the ninth graders in second lunch after fifth period and the seventh graders into first lunch after fourth. Their decision has caused a lot of mixed feelings among the students.  

Article by Alyssa Badger, SJHS Student Staff Writer

The End Of Basketball Season

Submitted by tara.pina on


Here at SJHS, the basketball season has ended. Many students have their own opinion about basketball and the loss that SJHS had that day.

7th grader Axston Squire says that he doesn't like basketball, because he is “Not good at it” and also didn’t watch the last SJHS tournament game. And doesn't plan on watching it next season.

Azhdon Vest SJHS Student Staff Writer


Submitted by tara.pina on


Dances are one of the highlights for students at Springville Jr High. We have about 4-5 dances a year, and each one is extremely fun. Student council come up with crazy themes for each dance. This upcoming dance is the Fifties, we have also had a Christmas themed dance.

Zach Mitchell, an eighth grade student, says he loves the dances. It’s a good time to hang out with friends and socialize. He wishes they were longer and hopes that this dance will have good songs.

Stazie Killpack SJHS Student Staff Writer

What students advise for advisory

Submitted by tara.pina on

While the reasons for student advisory classes may be to be a form of large Q/A on the school and students lives, many students think it may not be worthwhile. When asked, many students told us we should just replace advisory with another quest time.

Ethan Howard said, that he loved advisory, he felt another quest time would be more worthwhile. Many students agree that having another quest time would make more sense, as it gives you time to make up low grades. 

Micah Schmitz SJHS Student Staff Writer

SJHS Sings at Abravanel Hall

Submitted by tara.pina on


Springville Junior High’s very own Master Singers were picked to sing at an honor choir concert up in Salt Lake City at Abravanel Hall. There were twelve junior highs that sent in recordings, and they were one of the two junior highs that were chosen to sing. On January 28, 2017, the Master SIngers got on a bus and drove up to the capital of Utah to perform.

Alyssa Badger SJHS Student Staff Writer

SJHS Indian Club Heads to the State Capitol

Submitted by tara.pina on


On Monday, February 6th, a group of students from SJHS that are involved in the Title VI program went to  the Utah State Capitol. Title VI is a group that helps Native American students in schools. The Nebo Title VI program has a 100% graduation rate. SJHS has many Native American students that meet every Friday for advisory.

Seka Groves SJHS Student Staff Writer