People of the Past

Submitted by tara.pina on

People from the past are not to be forgotten so to remember some individual favorites, students at Springville Jr.High talk about which people they’d like to meet from the past and why.

Article by Jocelynn Garner

Christmas Door Decorating Contest!

Submitted by tara.pina on

During the Christmas season, Springville Jr. High has a door decorating contest for all of the teachers.  Mrs. Murray, a FACs teacher, says, “I don't know if the door decorating is an official tradition, but we do it most years.”  Whether or not we do this every year, this is still a fun tradition that most students and teachers enjoy.  Since this is a contest, there has to be a winner, and this year Mr. Jackman and his classes won.  The runners up were Ms. Ottley, Mr. Beebe, the Counseling Office, and Ms. Edenfield.  Congratulations to them and to all the teachers that decorated a door!

Article by Kelby Jeppson

Happy Songs

Submitted by tara.pina on

We all have a song, or multiple songs, that make us feel happy, so I asked a few people which song that is, if they would recommend it to anyone else, how they discovered the song, and I also asked which song makes them feel sad. The song that makes me feel happy is Buzzcut Season, by Lorde. The reason that song makes me feel happy is because the lyrics are interesting, and the music is soothing. I would definitely recommend this song to someone else, in fact, I already have. I discovered the song by finding the album the song is in, in my music. The song that makes me sad is Strawberry Fields Forever, by the Beatles. That song makes me sad because it’s lyrics have a strange, yet deep, meaning.

Article by Rainy Hickman

Most Embarrassing Thing You Did When You Were Little

Submitted by tara.pina on

What is the most embarrassing thing you did when you were little? Jocelynn Garner an eighth grader, said it was when her brother was teaching her how to whistle so she whistled and a lady thought it was Jocelynn’s brother that had whistled at her. Jocelynn said it was funny for her and more embarrassing for her brother. She thinks it was funny that the lady was mortified.

Article by Eliza Whiting

Thoughts on Dances

Submitted by tara.pina on

School dances. Known sometimes as the most fun part of the year and the most awkward. Students at Springville Junior High attend these dances for fun, and it’s a really good fundraiser.

First is a seventh grade boy, Johann Orozco. He’s only gone to one of the dances, which isn’t bad because there’s only been two so far. He likes them because he gets to talk with friends and dance a lot. His favorite part about them is dancing and the food. He goes for fun, and likes fast dances better than slow dances.

Article by Brenna Carlton

Jr. Red Devils and the History of the Springville High School

Submitted by tara.pina on

Did you know that a few years ago, at Springville Jr. High we were once the Jr. Red Devils? That’s right! In this article you will learn when we changed the name and why we changed it back, who was here when we were the Jr. Devils and their favorite part about the mascot.

Article by Emma Biesinger

SJHS Has Broken Bones

Submitted by tara.pina on

Many Springville Jr. High School kids have gotten a broken bone, but how did they break that certain bone?

Brenna Carlton, an 8th grade girl, said that she broke her wrist when she was about 8 years old. Her friend had hit her face with a snowball and so she couldn’t see, so she tripped over her backpack and then she snapped her wrist. So in the end she had fractured her wrist, without having to get any surgery.

Article by Sakari Duvall

Hammon For President

Submitted by tara.pina on

(Disclaimer; This article is purely for entertainment, Mr. Hammon isn’t running for president. Probably.)

Here at SJHS, a well loved, esteemed teacher has decided he is going to run for president. Mr. Hammon recently decided that America needed a man like him in the oval office; someone who knows the problems, from education, to having more holidays. Headed by his campaign manager Monte Taylor, Mr. Hammon has been trying to get the attention of America, however not much is known about Mr. Hammon. What will he do as president? Who will he pick for senior council? Let's find out.

Article by Alex Yoder

SJHS Talks Chapstick

Submitted by tara.pina on

"You remind me of my chapstick because you da balm!" Here are some opinions on chapstick from SJHS students and faculty.

“I panic when I don’t have it,” Mr. Hammon said.

Mint or Peppermint is by far the favorite flavor. But some other favorites are: Pineapple, Strawberry, Sweet Apple, or no flavor at all.

Megan Dickinson’s worst memory of not having her chapstick was last Friday. “Drove me nuts cause I didn’t have it.” she said.

Article by Jocelynn Garner and Eliza Whiting