Seventh Grade Field Trip To State Capitol

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

On Tuesday, March 8th, the seventh grade students in the Gifted and Talented program went on a field trip to the State Capitol. According to Joey Hammond, one of the seventh graders who was able to go on the field trip, the busses came at 8:05 in the morning, and once they got to the Capitol, they took a tour, ate lunch at 11:30, then came back to the school. 

According to Daniel Kawaii, a seventh grader in Gifted and Talented, they picked students who have good SAGE test scores and good grades to be part of the program. “It’s for kids who are future leaders,” said Jane Wilson, one of the participants in the program. 

Kennedy Bird; SJHS Staff Writer

Slam Poets Come to SJHS

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Kari Lindsey, Jose Soto, Ben Barter, and Salma Nizam, all slam poets attending University Of Utah, came to SJHS on March 15th, to teach the students of SJHS about Slam poetry. Kari, Jose, Ben, and Salma, went to different seventh and ninth grade English classes and taught the students about poetry. The Slam poets were at SJHS throughout the whole school day, and during Quest Time they went to the cafetorium where they each performed a poem, and then answered any questions students had.

Kennedy Huston; SJHS Staff Writer

Calling All the Band Members!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

On March 9th, when all the students were gathering into their classrooms, the ninth grade students from band were all dressed in suits and dresses to play in a festival. The festival started at 9:00 a.m., and students got back during seventh period. 

The band classes of Nebo School District all gathered at Springville High School to play the songs they learned over the semester. Our school did awesome!

“We had a really good performance, and we celebrated it with pizza,” said Matt Rawle, a ninth grader at SJHS in band. 

“My favorite part was performing our awesome songs, and being able to celebrate with pizza,” said Joseph Harrison, another ninth grader at the school. 

Autumn Olsen; SJHS Staff Writer

Track and Field

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Hey guess what?!  Track and Field has started! You don’t know what Track is?  Keep reading and you will find out!

Track and Field is an activity all runners here at Springville Junior High can do.  Practices are held everyday after school starting March 21st!  After a certain amount of practices, there is a track meet.  A track meet is where your school goes and competes against other schools.  Kate Chatfield, one of the track runners from last year, said, “I love kicking other school’s butts at track meets!”  

Meagan Jones; SJHS Staff Writer

Mr. Booth Spotlight

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Mr. Booth is the band teacher at SJHS, and the best one anyone could ask for. According to Mr. Booth, he has been working at SJHS for 20 years, and has done it because of his immovable love for music. His students love him, and would all agree that he does some legendary things in their presence.

Michael Quinlan, a student of Mr. Booth’s, said, “He’s good at teaching music. He takes it seriously and is good at what he does.” Michael plays the percussion in band class. Michael’s favorite thing about band class is when he chills with his friends, and when he gets to play his instruments. 

Joseph Harrison; SJHS Staff Writer

Teacher Appreciation Week

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

All teachers deserve appreciation, and that is what Teacher Appreciation Week was all about. During Teacher Appreciation Week the PTA  organized games, dress up days and delicious food for the teachers. March 14-17 students and teachers dressed up differently everyday to show appreciation. Monday was dress up like your favorite Star Wars character. Tuesday was 80’s day. Wednesday was sock day, and Thursday was wear your favorite sweat pants day.

Mr. Hammon, an SJHS health teacher, said, “It’s probably the best week in the year.  My favorite part is definitely all the fun stuff and delicious food the PTA gives us.  My least favorite part is that it's only four days long.” 

Gabbie Grimes; SJHS Staff Writer

Spotlight: Ms. Distefano

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Ms. Distefano is one of the three counselors at SJHS. She is the main counselor for ninth grade students and affairs. Ms. Distefano has worked at SJHS for 12 years. According to Ms. Distefano, she became a counselor because in high school she felt like she did not have a lot of direction in terms of her future, so she wanted to be able to help kids find direction in their life. She likes getting to work with SJHS students. She also enjoys all the faculty, and there really is not anything she dislikes about her job.

Kennedy Huston; SJHS Staff Writer

Ninth Graders Visit the High School

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

On Tuesday, February, 23 2016 the ninth grade students took eight buses to Springville High School. They were taken to the auditorium and told about all the classes they can take during their tenth grade year. 

According to Mrs. Gleave, a math teacher, this is a great opportunity for the students to have a chance to see what the high school is like. Mrs. Gleave said, “I think the orientation day is awesome.  It gives students a chance to see the school while classes are in session.  That experience is quite different from attending a basketball game or school play.”

Ryan Popham; SJHS Staff Writer

Ms. McBride’s Guest Speaker

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in Germany during World War II? Well, Hein Senior Tlustek was a kid during WWII. On February 26, Ms. McBride, an English teacher, had Hein as a guest speaker in her fourth period class. Hein was born outside of Berlin, Germany. Hein said that while others hid in bomb shelters, he sat on the roof and watched the bombs. He said that it looked like a light show.

Ms. McBride said that her class was learning about Anne Frank, and Jake Jackson, one of her students, mentioned that his grandpa grew up in Germany during that time. Jake said that Hein would be happy to come to Ms. McBride’s class. 

Caitlin Buhler; SJHS Staff Writer

Master Singers

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Have you ever had a question that is really hard to answer and you are afraid to go and ask someone?  Well the question “What is Master Singers?” is not a hard question at all!

Master Singers is an amazing choir class here at Springville Junior High!  To get into this higher choir class, you not only have to audition, you also have to love to sing and be determined. In Master Singers they do awesome tours where they go and sing at all sorts of places.  Master Singers do a lot more than the other three choir classes.  Not too long ago they sang the National Anthem at one of the BYU basketball games!

Meagan Jones; SJHS Staff Writer