Kennedy Bird: How well do you know her?

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

“What is there not to like about her? She is talented, pretty, and amazing!” said Hannah Mason, an eighth grader, about Kennedy Bird. 

Kennedy Bird, an eighth grade student here at SJHS, is “very outgoing, and she doesn’t disclude anyone,” said eighth grader, Jade Poulson. Kennedy is a member of the Hope Squad at our school and loves to cheer up others. 

Austin Ewell, an eighth grader, likes how positive she always is. “She is one of the funniest people I know,” he said.

Ryann Brockbank; SJHS Staff Writer

Ms. Hamilton

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Ms. Hamilton, a teacher at Springville Junior High, teaches math and is in charge of Quest Time. She was awarded the Nebo School District Teacher of the Year award last April. She is very fun and outgoing. She loves her students and they love her. 

Andrew Tidwell, in her second period class, said, ”She deserves to be teacher of the year.” According to Andrew Tidwell, she is a good teacher, and he loves her as his math teacher. She helps him understand math better than the past years. He is glad that she is his math teacher. 

Mr. Rowley, the assistant principal, said, “She is awesome at teaching, and I am glad she is the top teacher of the year.”He also said she deserves it, and she is a great teacher.

Destiny Trammel; SJHS Staff Member

Trip To Space

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

On Tuesday October 29, Mr. Kindrick, Mr. Jesnsen and Mrs. Caras at Springville Junior High took 175 ninth grade students on a field trip to the Salt Lake Clark Planetarium, to gain a better understanding of the galaxy. It was an awesome field trip, and everyone enjoyed it. According to Mr. Kindrick, a science teacher at SJHS, he would definitely do it again.

Crew Gandolph; SJHS Staff writer

Health is really FUN this year!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Green Ribbon week is a new thing that the eighth grade health teacher, Mr. Hammon, started. It is his first year teaching here. He is a really good teacher; all his students like him because he can teach them without writing notes and paper. One of his students Jasmine Jonas is the student that made green ribbon week happen. Mr. Hammon also made them not eat sugar at home and less fast food. All the students in enjoyed it. 

Dianna Munoz; SJHS Staff Writer

Quest Time Chef at SJHS!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

On October 27 chef Ms. Hunter came to SJHS during Quest Time as part of Windows to the Workplace, to teach students about being a chef. Ms. Hunter works for New Skin, at The Spoon, as the executive chef. She had a powerpoint to show the students things about being a chef, and explained what it was like for her to be a chef. Ms. Hunter became a chef shortly after she got a divorce. Her grandma was the one to encourage her to pursue her dreams.

Kennedy Huston; SJHS Staff Writer

Fly Fishing Field Trip

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Students at SJHS had the chance to go on a fly fishing field trip on October 22, after learning how to catch fish during the PE unit. They fished lower Provo River, according to Mr. Chambers, a PE coach at SJHS. About 25 students went on the field trip, according to Mr. Chambers.

Two fish were caught, according to Alex Middlebrook, a ninth grade student at SJHS who went to the fly fishing trip.

In the fly fishing unit, students learned how to fish before fishing actual rivers. “It was good for everyone, if you already know how to fish or if you’re learning and new to fishing,” said Zach Graves, a seventh grade student at SJHS.

Cole Gierisch; SJHS Staff Writer

Nebo Coding Camp

Submitted by shauna.shepherd on

Are you interested in learning how apps or electronic games work?  Or how websites or software programs operate? Are you interested in online computer coding?  If you are interested in learning the language of computers, Nebo District is offering coding camps beginning in January at different schools around the district.  These are after-school classes for students in grades 4-9 in various locations throughout the district.  Please click on the link for further information or to register for coding camps. 


Salem Witch Trials

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

There is always something crazy going on around the school. Just recently Mrs. Porter, a history teacher, had a Salem witch trial simulation with her US History classes. 

Andrew Messenger; SJHS Staff Writer

Spotlight: Mr. Hansen

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Mr. Hansen is a history teacher here at SJHS. According to Mr. Hansen, he has been teaching here for 29 years, and he went to school at BYU. He studied agriculture economics and communication, and he got a master’s degree.

He chose to teach history because it is cool to study and understand concepts and ideas about society, according to Mr. Hansen. Mr. Hansen gets along with kids, according to Crew Gandolph, a ninth grade student in Mr. Hansen’s class. “He’s really interactive,” said Crew.

“He’s funny and laughs with the class,” said Tyler Maccabee, a ninth grade student at SJHS.

Cole Gierisch; SJHS Staff Writer

Small Animal Science Finds Their Animal

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

On October 7, the Small Animal Science class took a field trip to the Hogle Zoo.  They had to find the animals they were studying in class.  

According to Grace Brand, an eighth grader in the class, they had to find the animal’s habitat, eating habits, and whether or not they live in a pack.  Some of the animals that the students did were the Texas Tortoise, the Grey Wolf, the Harbor Seal, and the Golden Lion Temeranian.  

Jenessa Crystal; SJHS Staff Writer