Track Team Defeats Spanish Fork and Payson

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

The Springville Junior High track team came in first place against Spanish Fork Junior High and Payson Junior High on May 1st.  The Springville girls ended up with 83 points, Spanish Fork girls ended up with 32.5 points, and Payson girls ended up with 11.5 points.  The Springville boys ended up with 89 points, Payson boys ended up with 39 points, and Spanish Fork boys ended up with 16 points.  Congratulations to the Springville track and field team!

Poets Come to SJHS

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

On Thursday, March 19 and Monday, March 23 SJHS was honored to have slam poets come perform during Quest Time.

Tara Pina, a seventh grade English teacher at SJHS, arranged for the poets to come visit the school during a poetry unit she does in her classroom.

Benjamin Barker and Léhi Valladares came on Thursday. Both performed original poems and answered questions for the students. Benjamin Barker performed his most well know poem, Rubiks Cube, at the request of the students. 

Spotlight: Mrs. Warren

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Mrs. Warren, the morning Pass teacher at SJHS, has been working at SJHS for four years. “I love working at SJHS!” said Mrs. Warren. Mrs. Warren does morning detention, prepares Quest Time slips, and tracks student grades. 

Mr. VanAusdal, the principal at SJHS, said, “I enjoy working with Mrs. Warren. She’s professional and she’s always here.” He really enjoys talking to her. He said, “She is easy to talk to.”

 Jackson Billing, a seventh grade student at SJHS, said he loves Mrs. Warren because she is very nice and she does not  get angry if he has tardies or bad grades. “I love Mrs. Warren. She’s so kind!” He said she is the right person for the job she has because she is nice.

Lindsey Batty, SJHS Staff Writer

Girls and Boys Track Teams Come in First Place!

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Congratulations to both the girls and boys track teams for coming in first place in the April 24th meet against Mapleton and Spanish Fork Junior High Schools. 

The Springville girls ended up with 57 points, Mapleton ended up with 44 points, and Spanish Fork finished with 9 points.  

The Springville boys ended up with 87.5 points, Mapleton ended up with 20.5, and Spanish Fork finished with 11 points.  The full results are attached.

Junior High Theater Festival -- April 25

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

The junior high drama teachers are holding our third annual Theater Festival on Saturday, April 25th from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.  It will be held at Diamond Fork Junior High School, and we invite all students to attend.  Students are not required to have had theater classes because it is an opportunity for any student that thinks they might be interested in drama to come and try it out. 

Nichole Clement, drama teacher

HOPE Squad Write Notes of Kindness

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Members of the SJHS student body were greeted by a surprise from the HOPE Squad when they arrived at school on Tuesday, March 18.

The SJHS HOPE Squad wrote hundreds of kind messages on post-it notes and stuck them on every locker and all around the school building. They arrived extra early to school so that when students arrived they would find messages waiting for them. 

The HOPE Squad worked on this secret project for many weeks. They wanted to surprise students and let every student know that they were special and loved. 

March Springville Mayor's Award

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Springville students continue to showcase their great talents and abilities on Tuesday, March 17 at Springville's Mayor’s Recognition Awards.  

Award recipient  Daniel Beach is a seventh grader from Springville Junior High “who loves to read and challenges himself to excel,  reading books well above his reading level,” reveals Stephanie Riggs, his Language Arts Teachers.  

Jayden Rogers, also a SJHS seventh grader, has a contagious smile and goes out of his way to make everyone happy. Assistant Principal, Rhett Rowley, states, “ Jayden is a great example of positive energy and loving life!”

March for Hope

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Please join local Hope Squads in a walk to promote mental health and the prevention of suicide in our community.  The walk will take place on March 31st at 7:00pm in Spanish Fork.