Student News

Article: Stakeholder survey may help determine how our teachers teach

Submitted by tara.pina on

Recently students at SJHS were given the opportunity to take the Stakeholder Survey. The Stakeholder survey is a survey that all students are recommended to take. This survey lets you share your opinion about any of your teachers. The first part of it is multiple choice and the second part is free write. You are allowed to write whatever your opinion is about the teacher that you chose. That’s the basics of the Stakeholder survey.

Article by Wynter Smith - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Term 2 Newsletter

Submitted by tara.pina on

The semester 1 journalism staff wrote and created this newsletter website for Term 2. 

Check out some of the things that were happening around the school! 


Semester 1 Journalism consisted of Kekoa Akiona, Grace Ashby, Ashlee Bayles, Taylor Benson, Karly Bracken, Payton Evans, Elizabella Francom, Amanda Gardner, Libby Hodson, Stazie Killpack, Mathew King, Raquel Marquez, Leslie Ruiz, Cheyenne Skinner, Emily Snyder, Oakley Toelupe, and Makailee Turner.  Thanks for keeping us informed! 

Created by SJHS Journalism

Article: Topaz Field trip

Submitted by tara.pina on

On November 14, the 8th graders at SJHS had the opportunity to go on a field trip to the Topaz Museum in Delta and learn about the Japanese Internment Camps that were in operation during WW2.

Many of the eighth graders enjoyed learning about what life was like for the Americans of Japanese ancestry.

“It was really moving to see what they went through.” Chloe Sleight states, as she talks about her experience.

Article by Payton Evans - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Future Farmers of America

Submitted by tara.pina on

At SJHS there is program called FFA which represents Future Farmers of America. In this program you learn about many different things such as agracoucher. FFA is a program which helps kids throughout America become better friends and farmers. Today, the National FFA organization remains committed to the individual student, providing a path to achievement in premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

Article by Elizabella Francom - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Where will College take you?

Submitted by tara.pina on

The students at Springville Junior High are not completely aware of the fun waiting for them when they came to school on College week.  The counselors had prepared activities for the students to do as the week progressed.  Many activities excited the students and got them in the College mood.  One of the things that the students learned form college week was that  people who go to college and graduate get paid 0.9 million more than those that do not go to college and graduate.  At the beginning of the week they had us stay in our third period class and talk about college and we asked our teachers any questions we had.  

Article by Ashlee Bayles - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Amanda Gardner the Great

Submitted by tara.pina on

Loving, carring, unstoppable, motivated, kind, and really any good word describes Amanda Gardner. Anyone you ask will only tell you good things about her. Even her brother says that all Amanda does is smile and laugh. Amanda loves to play tennis and read any good book. She is the 2nd oldest child in a family of 6 and has always lived in Springville. Kelsey Sumsion, a ninth grade girl, is one of Amanda’s best friends and has grown up with her. She said, “Amanda always finds the best in everyone, she makes the best out of any situation and I love her for it.” Amanda is a BYU fan and wants to go to BYU but maybe do a study abroad. She  loves the color blue and loves the winter season.

Article by Stazie Killpack - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: The Talent Show: Behind the Curtain and More.

Submitted by tara.pina on


Ah the talent show! One of the biggest, if not, the biggest event at SJHS. An opportunity for students to show the school what tricks they’ve got up their sleeves, or simply a burning passion for music and the arts. It looks fun to be a part of, and many of these acts shock us because they come from the people who tend to be outcasts. But what lies behind the curtain of confidence these people drape over their faces when performing? If you keep reading, you’ll get an idea as to how these performers really feel. Before we get into what the contestants feel, let’s listen to what the audience has to say.

Article by Raquel Marquez - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Jessica Shumway- The only SJHS girl wrestler!

Submitted by tara.pina on

A lot of you know about SJHS  wrestling team, but did you know that their is only one girl on the team?! If you didn’t you should know! Because she is doing awesome and she is awesome! Her name is Jessica Shumway and she’s pro! Although she started 2 years ago, she is winning A LOT! Jessica Shumway was born a great strong wrestler! Read more to get all the facts!

Article by Cheyenne Skinner - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: All About Mrs. Reese

Submitted by tara.pina on

Mrs. Reese is a 9th grade Geography and World Civilizations teacher. She moved from Diamond Fork to our school this year. Mrs. Reese is a really fun teacher who teaches with really good methods, like activities around the classroom. Last week, her students were able to take a quiz as a class, going around the room and working together to earn our score. Ms. Reese is not married, but has "200 kids"! She loves her students and has lots of fun with them.

Article by: Mathew king - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Especially 4 Athletes

Submitted by tara.pina on

There are a lot of sports in the world. Football, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, just to name a few. And there’s a super cool program, called Especially for Athletes, that helps you improve your sports skills, just as much as your social skills, like talking and also being nice. Bullying is something they don’t really tolerate. So, other than keeping sports real and bullies away, what is E4A? Well, they came to Springville Jr. High School just a few weeks ago and some kids have a few thoughts on it.

Article by Oakley Toelupe and Kekoa Akiona - SJHS Student Staff Writers