Student News

Article: Social Media Let Loose

Submitted by tara.pina on

The first signs of social madie was in 1997, and it was called Six Degrees.  In 1999 was when the first blogs became popular.  Ever since then they have continued to grow in size and numbers.  Many students at Springville Junior High have agreed that social media can be good for you, yet it can have some terrible consequences.  Since social media is being used across the globe, it can have an effect on people all around the world.

Article by Ashlee Bayles and Payton Evans - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Mr. Rockwood Spotlight

Submitted by tara.pina on

Don’t worry if you haven’t seen him last year, he’s walking around the halls this year. If you don’t know who he is, well, you’ve come to the right place.

Mr. Rockwood was teaching at Payson High School for 14 years! That is crazy! And then, all of a sudden, he was offered an administrator job here at SJHS! He took it, of course, and now he’s here as the Dean of Students. He says, out of the 1 ½ years he’s been here, he loves Springville. Last year, he said the leadership was awesome and he wanted to stay, so he’s our Dean of Students. Other than working towards being a principal, he is also working towards his doctorate, and by next year, he’ll be known as Dr. Rockwood instead. Fancy, huh?

Article by Oakley Toelupe - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Golf

Submitted by tara.pina on

Have you ever played golf before? Well if you haven’t you are missing out. Golf is a fun, slow, calm sport, that includes strategy, math, and many other things. Golf is played by hitting the golf ball into the hole. You want to hit the ball the fewest times before hitting it into the hole. Whoever hits the ball into the hole first wins that hole. In the end  you want the lowest number possible,  golf isn’t like any other sport like football or basketball, where you want the highest points possible. So if you were playing a game and you had 15 points, and your friend had 20 points, you would have won.

Article by Kekoa Akiona - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Youth Court

Submitted by tara.pina on

The Gavel went down and they were sentenced to eternal trash duty! Thankfully, that isn’t how it goes. Chandler Kiser, one of the Youth Court members said that Youth Court is, “A community organization that helps youths fix their mistakes and clear their record.” The members of youth court meet every other Thursday and decide what the students who have a first offense can do to wipe the bad mistake off of their record.

Article by Amanda Gardner - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: The Foods Program

Submitted by tara.pina on

The Foods class is an elective you can take in eighth or ninth grade.  In this class, you learn about nutrition, proper ways to cook, and measurements.  Everybody who has taken it, has loved it!  Doing the cooking labs are a lot of fun!

Article by Karly Bracken - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Halloween on a Tuesday

Submitted by tara.pina on

Halloween is on a Tuesday this year?! Some people aren’t to happy about this. Last year Halloween was on a Sunday but most people went trick or treating on Saturday. So they could stay out late and sleeping.

Article by Libby Hodson - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Madison Black Spotlight!

Submitted by tara.pina on

Madison Black, is an amazing girl who can make friends with basically anyone she meets. She can make anyone laugh with just a saying.

She is not one of those girls who can not make friends. She loves to make other people happy mostly her friends.

If Maddy could go anywhere in the world to help people, considering what has been happening lately, she said. “I would go to London because of all the attacks that are going on and I would try to help as much as possible anyway I could.”

Maddy is more classic than trendy because she is extremely unique. She likes to be different. While everyone are plain old cheerios, Maddy is a fruitloop.

Article by Payton Evans - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Sewing

Submitted by tara.pina on

Are you looking for a fun class that doesn’t stress you out, and let’s you take a break from notes and homework? A class that you can make new friends in and hang out with people that enjoy doing the same thing as you. A class where you can be relaxed and create cool things. In this class you have to provide your own fabric and thread. The school provides the sewing machines and all the other stuff that you would need.

Article by Kekoa Akiona - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: Football for Everyone?

Submitted by tara.pina on

Football. It’s a sport adored by many U.S. citizens and students who have a team representing their school. Here at SJHS, students love their football team members. Heck, even they think they’re a pretty good team. Talk about high confidence. Some people though, just don’t really care, and not because they’re rude or they hate the sport. Not at all, and like Tracy Segeberg, they just don’t care. Okay, back to the subject. What exactly is this article about? It’s about a few minor changes that can be done to our school with your help, like adding a girl’s football team. But how do some members and students feel about this subject?

Article by Raquel Marquez - SJHS Student Staff Writer

Article: To kneel or not to kneel?

Submitted by tara.pina on

The kneeling “problem” in the NFL, what about it?  For many americans the kneeling in the NFl has caused many differences in how people view the NFL and think about their flag. Many of the  NFL players at the end of the 2016-2017 year started kneeling for the flag to show their thoughts on what is happening in the U.S.A. today.  At the start of the 2017-2018 year it still continues to be a problem for the NFL.  Many believe that this year it is more of a political centered idea instead of an environmental idea.  

Article by Ashlee Bayles - SJHS Student Staff Writer