Be An Ally 1.7.22

Submitted by brenda.granzini on
Be an ally winners
be an ally winner miriam
be an ally winner otto
be an ally winner brynn
be an ally winner jaywel

Miriam Norton - Miriam took the time to let us know she speaks Portuguese and would like to help a new student who speaks Portuguese.

Otto Schoenfeld - Otto takes the time to help a student with limited mobility to get their supplies or other classroom items they need for the daily lessons.  

Brynn Barron - Brynn was caught helping a student in her group who was struggling with understanding how to begin their assignment. Brynn understands what it means to work as a team and be a team player.

Jaywel Butil - Jaywel is so kind and always has a smile on her face. She is always looking for ways to be a friend to all her classmates.