Drama Class

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

The drama class at Springville Jr. High is a new class. The teacher, Ms. Clement, is also new here; she was and still is a teacher at Mapleton Jr. High. 

According to Kaitlyn Gee, a student at SJHS, she said that when she walks into drama she feels like a different person. Mayzie Brunson, also a student at SJHS, said when she walks into that class she can be fun and act like a crazy person. 

Kaitlyn said that they have written a play. They also have been learning how to look like they are hitting, punching, and kicking. Mayzie said that they have been playing fun games and have written a script.

Lindsey Batty, SJHS Staff Writer

The SJHS August Wheel Spin

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On September 8, 2014 SJHS had its first wheel spin for the year. It was held in the cafetorium to reward students for their good behavior. Mr. Rowley, the assistant principal at SJHS, said, “We had an amazing 33 students spin the wheel.”

Mr. VanAusdal, the principal at SJHS, said, “There were a lot of people who spun the wheel; it was a great turnout.”

One of the students was Mckenna Peterson, who won the Ipod Shuffle. She was very excited to win. She said, “I only got one wheel spin ticket, and got lucky to win. Students were saying, ‘Oh my goodness you won!’ ‘Awesome, you got it!’”

There were several prizes won. Mr. Rowley said, “Mostly food items were won, like treats.” 

Carson Bracken, SJHS Staff Writer

The 2014 SJHS Golf Team

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

The SJHS golf team is a great team. Math teacher, Mr. Krebs, is the coach of the golf team. Mr.Krebs has been coaching the golf team for about 20 years. “I really like being outside and being with the team members,” said Mr.Krebs.

The team practices once a week at the Hobble Creek golf course. There are only eight members on the team, but they still do great in tournaments. They have had three tournaments, in which they got first place once and third place the other two times. 

Isaac Hodson, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS Girls Tennis Team

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

SJHS has many sports to offer for students. But every fall at SJHS they have a girls tennis team. The students on the tennis team are Addie Nielsen,  Anne Wallace,Tristan McAfee,  Rachel Hatch, Lily Udall, Jenica Freeman, Kaylee Remund,  Ali Killpack, Juliette Hansen, Hana Miyasaki, Jenna Sokolowski, Ellie Brenchley, Jane Shoemaker, Calli Egbert, Sarah Sokolowski, and Gracie Sentz. The girls tennis team is offered to every girl at SJHS. They go and compete against other tennis teams in the district. 

Kallysta Strong, SJHS Staff Writer

What is a Super Knight?

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

For those of us in eighth and ninth grade we have already witnessed and know exactly what a Super Knight is.  On October 30, 2014 the Super Knight Awards will reinitiate as two students from each grade will be the first Super Knights of the new SJHS.  Such an exciting time, yet there are some new students who are not quite sure what exactly a Super Knight is.  

According to eighth grader and former Super Knight, Emalee Smith, a Super Knight is, “a student who is always nice to other students and likes to learn.”  

Jared Buhler, a ninth grader and past Super Knight, agrees, saying that a Super Knight is someone who, “goes the extra mile.”  

Kazdin Lewis, SJHS Staff Writer

Sign Up for Yearbook

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

SJHS is offering a yearbook class. Anyone can sign up for it, and it lasts a full year. “I would recommend the class to anyone who loves to take pictures and write stories about them,” said Mrs. Shepherd, the yearbook teacher. 

“An average day in yearbook is made up of taking pictures around the school of students and groups and then creating pages with a compilation of photos that they have taken,” said Mrs. Shepherd. 

In yearbook, students are always working, according to Lindsey Batty, a yearbook student. But yearbook is still a fun and upbeat class, according to Mrs. Shepherd.

Cole Gierisch, SJHS Staff Writer

The Common Addiction

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Procrastination, that is the common addiction. Everyone has procrastinated at least once. Procrastination is putting something off for another time. Most of the time it is because people want to do something else, or are avoiding the problem at hand for different reasons. 

“I procrastinate because I either don’t want to do something, or I’m nervous,” Jane Shoemaker, a student at Springville Junior High School, said.

“I don’t want to do things immediately; I want to do what’s fun,” Karissa Reedy, a student at SJHS, said, expressing another common reason people procrastinate.

Julia Collier, SJHS Staff Writer

The New SJHS Cafetorium

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

With the new school, came a new lunch room. The new cafetorium, a cafeteria and an auditorium combined, is much larger and nicer than the old junior high’s cafeteria. The teachers and students like how much bigger it is compared to last year’s.

Isaac Hodson, SJHS Staff Writer

The New Gym at SJHS

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At the new Springville Jr. High we got a brand new gym for P.E and to play in. Ms. Gerhauser, a P.E. teacher at SJHS, said that she likes the size of the gym and the sound system.

Andrew Yazzie, an eighth grader at SJHS, said, “I like the gym because of the three to four choices of activities we get to choose from, but I don’t like that we can’t fit our binders in our P.E. lockers because they are so small.”

Carson Bracken, SJHS Staff Writer

Out with the Old and in with the New

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

This new SJHS was built this year as a upgraded version to the old SJHS which was built in 1957 (although there was a older SJHS that was built in 1912). The two schools have some similarities, as well as some differences. Sarah Tucker, a ninth grader, said “The new school is jazzy and pretty! [but] the old school was older and more ancient!”

Stephen Gantt, SJHS Staff Writer