The New SJHS Cafetorium

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

With the new school, came a new lunch room. The new cafetorium, a cafeteria and an auditorium combined, is much larger and nicer than the old junior high’s cafeteria. The teachers and students like how much bigger it is compared to last year’s.

Even though there are lots of good things about the new lunch room, there are some problems. According to Rachell Chappel, the lunch room director, she and her lunch ladies have been having some problems with the dishwashers, the warmers and some of the ovens, but she knew that there would be some minor problems only because everything is new.

Isaac Hodson, SJHS Staff Writer

Transfer Students at SJHS

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Many students transferred to SJHS and are trying to adjust to a new school, new people and new teachers. Most students feel that they are adjusting well.

“Springville Junior High School is perfect and school so clean,” said Jorianne Mickelson, a transfer student from Orem.

“The faculty generally just wants to help,” said transfer student David Denkers who lived in Los Angeles.

“Many teachers really want to help as well,” said transfer student Aaron Richards who lived in Arizona. The transfer students also say that you get more time with the teacher face to         

“SJHS an amazing school,” said Jorianne Mickelson.

Carter Shepherd, SJHS Staff Writer

New Electives at SJHS

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

At SJHS there is a lot of variety when you choose classes, and there are over 30 classes to choose from.  There are a lot of really fun classes too, like Individualized Life Activities, Foods, Photography, and a lot more.  

According to Mrs. Distefano, a counselor at SJHS,  there are four new really fun classes this year at SJHS; they are Speech, Digital Design, Drama and Animal Science.  A lot of students are taking these classes and enjoying them.

McCade Dixon, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS Student Council

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

At the end of the last school year, the students of SJHS elected a new student council. The student council includes the students Jared Buhler, Easton Call, Zack Dalley,Lauryn Davis,Ryker Jenkins, Claire Pexton, Chloe Wimmer, and Maren Pilcher. The teacher in charge of the student council is Ms.Murray. The student council helps plan and organize events.

Maren Pilcher, is one of the many students who transferred from MJHS to SJHS. She is now a part of student council and says that she loves it here at Springville, and has enjoyed getting to know the other officers on student council as well. 

Kallysta Strong, SJHS Staff Writer

Introducing the New School in Town

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

The Springville community erupted as the silky red ribbon was split down the middle.  To celebrate the opening of the new school, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held Monday, August 18, 2014 at the new school building.  

Since the beginning of construction last year, everyone had been eagerly waiting to see the new school.  Those who attended include Superintendent Rick Nielsen, Shannon Acor, a member of the Nebo School Board of Education, Mr. Van Ausdal, principal of SJHS, and his assistant principals Ms. Miley and Mr. Rowley.  Several teachers attended as well.  According to Mr. Hatfield, a science teacher at SJHS, his favorite part of the ceremony was knowing the school was finally official.  

Kazdin Lewis, SJHS Staff Writer

2014-15 Registration Information

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Mail-in RegistrationWe encourage all parents to take advantage of the mail-in registration process.  All returning students should have recevied registration information in the mail.  Complete the enclosed forms and return them with your paid fees.  Once we have received the completed registration forms and fee payment, a schedule will be mailed home.  Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Walk-in Registration Walk-in registration will be held on August 5th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Ribbon Cutting and Open House on August 18th at 10:00am

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

To celebrate the opening of our new school, a ribbon cutting ceremony will be held at 10:00 am on August 18, 2014.  The building will be open to the public following the ceremony.

We encourage all to come and celebrate the “New” Springville Junior High.  The building will be open until 3:00 pm. 

We encourage all students to come meet their teachers, find their classes, and learn how to open their lockers.  The open house for all students will replace our traditional seventh-grade day this year.