Sewing, Sewing and More Sewing!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

 Do you want to sign up for clothing exploration? You should. It is a fun class to participate in here at Springville Junior High. You make all sorts of fun things. Mrs. Bird teaches the clothing class. It is a fun way to learn how to sew different things. The things that they learn to sew are pajama pants, an apron, a bag, and something of their own choice.        

Alyssa Gardiner, an eighth grader at Springville Junior High School, said “I think sewing is fun and wanted to learn more about how to sew.”  Mrs. Bird said, “It teaches kids about measurement and to be creative.”        

Shayra Riches, SJHS Staff Writer

Poetry On a T-shirt

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Students in Mrs. Maughan’s ninth grade English class have been taking lines from poetry and interpreting it through art on a paper t- shirt. Each students’ artwork has been hung up on the wall in the seventh grade hall.

“The main purpose behind this assignment was to help students get into poetry more,” said Mrs. Maughan. “They had to really internalize each poem to discover its meaning and theme.  They also had to find a poem that they connected to in some way.”       

Cami Ward, a student in Mrs. Maughan’s first period class, said, “It was a really fun project.  We got to read a lot of poems.”  If you want to see these wonderful t-shirts, you are welcome to walk past and take a look!

Chloe Potter, SJHS Staff Writer

Latinos In Action Conference at UVU

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

On Tuesday, March 11 the Latinos In Action went to UVU for a Lations In Action conference. The Latinos In Action conference is about inspiring young Latinos to keep going in their education, and follow the examples of great leaders.  Schools from all over the county went to UVU. Some schools performed a dance number or poems or essays. Our own Springville High School performed a dance. 

Daniela Melendez, SJHS Staff Writer

Students and Staff Say a Fond Farewell to SJHS

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

This year is the last year in our building before we will be moving to a new school. A lot of people are very excited, but many will also miss coming here each day. Students and teachers have made lots of great memories here over the years!       

This building has been a great place to go to school for decades, and many fun and unforgettable things have happened over the years. “I am really going to miss the memories I’ve made here,” said Brittany Burton, an eighth grade student.

Emori Sky Brown, SJHS Staff Writer

Mrs. Bass Spotlight

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Have you met one of our English teachers, Mrs. Bass? If not, you should! She has been teaching since 2002, so that is 12 years. Mrs. Bass struggled with English in school because she had a hard time expressing herself through writing. In high school she had some really good teachers that understood her learning styles and helped her understand that organizing her papers was her biggest problem. 

“I remember cutting up one of my essays and puzzling it around to make it flow smoothly,” said Mrs. Bass. She says she knew that she would teach English because she wanted to give help to others who struggle in that subject.

Cami Ward, SJHS Staff Writer

Spring Break

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Spring Break! What a wonderful time of the year when we have no school!  This year Spring Break was April 7th -11th.

Chloe Potter, a ninth grade girl, said her most memorable Spring Break was when she got to ride in her step- grandpa’s airplane. If Chloe could go anywhere in the world she would go to Disney Land.

Maddy Hargett, a ninth grade girl, said if she could go anywhere in the world she would go to St. George or Las Vegas. Maddy said her favorite part of Spring Break is “no school.”

Amanda Smith, SJHS Staff Writer

We Appreciate Our Teachers!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

March 10-14 was our Teacher Appreciation Week! “It’s where we give appreciation to our teachers and they get something from the PTA each day. I really liked the baskets with soda and treats for the teachers because it was so cute! They work really hard every day for us and everything they do for us is to succeed and get an education!” said Cami Ward, a ninth grader.

“I feel very appreciated and the PTA does such a good job each year organizing this for all the teachers. They gave us breakfast, lunch, and a basket full of gifts! It’s nice to be recognized and get free food!” said Ms. Dunn, an English and journalism teacher.

Rachel Harker, SJHS Staff Writer

What is the First Lady of Utah Doing at SJHS?

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Did you know that some famous people went to SJHS?  On Friday, February 28 one of these famous people, Jeanette Herbert, the First Lady of Utah, visited us for our Super Knight Assembly.  She attended SJHS in the years 1963 - 1965.       

Mrs. Murdock, the finance secretary at SJHS, has been friends with Mrs. Herbert since their years together at SJHS.  She contacted Mrs. Herbert to ask if she would like to come and present to our school.  “She shared a great message, ‘Success doesn’t come until we’ve had failure.’  She challenged all of us to overcome obstacles in life, whatever we’re trying to accomplish,” Mrs. Murdock said.       

Holly Hill, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS Super Knights

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

 Emma Wilson, Cesar Corona, Kadee Allred, Benton Aegerter, Ceci Sumsion, and Joshua Liddiard are the new SJHS Super Knights for the month of February. The Super Knights get an award for good behavior and for being a responsible citizen, successful learner, and effective communicator. Every month teachers choose two students from each grade to become a Super Knight.        

Emma Wilson, and Cesar Corona are seventh graders, Kadee Allred and Benton Aegerter are eighth graders, and Ceci Sumsion and Joshua Liddiard are the ninth graders. These students are an example to everyone else.        

Daniela Melendez, SJHS Staff Writer

Ms. Dunn

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Ms. Dunn, an English teacher at SJHS, likes giraffes. She is not much of a pet person, but she likes giraffes. If Ms. Dunn had a giraffe she would name him Gary. Ms. Dunn’s favorite color is purple; her favorite movie is You’ve Got Mail, and her favorite book is To Kill A Mockingbird.

Clara Brotherson, a ninth grade student in Ms. Dunn’s English class, said, “She’s so awesome. You can talk to her about anything and she’s pretty chill.” Clara’s most memorable moment with Ms. Dunn is when she gave Clara candy. 

Amanda Smith, SJHS Staff Writer