The Amazing Guest Speaker!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

 If you went to the November Super Knight assembly then you heard that awesome guest speaker. Wesley Ruff, from Channel 4 News, came to our school and gave an important lesson on being a champion. He brought up the student council and some other students onto the stage and had them make letters out of their bodies as he told stories about being a champion. He told a story about when he was in Jr. High, and a story of when he was at sporting event to show the importance of being a champion. In the end all the students spelled out the word champion with their bodies.       

Sarah Tucker, SJHS Staff Writer

Congratulations to the November Super Knights!

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Congratulations to  seventh graders Brynn Dinkel and Moroni Wright, eighth graders Cinthia Perez and Logan Furner, and ninth graders Kenzie Keane and Hunter Farr.  These students have just been awarded the Super Knight award for November 2013 at SJHS.  They have worked hard and have stuck to the traits of a Knight.  

Moroni Wright, the seventh grade boy Super Knight, said, “It’s awesome, I like [being a Super Knight.”]  

Logan Furner, the eighth grade boy Super Knight, agrees saying that the experience on stage was “exciting.”  

Cinthia Perez, the eighth grade girl Super Knight, said that it feels good to be a Super Knight and that, “It feels good to know people appreciate you .”

Kazdin Lewis, SJHS Staff Writer

Keep Calm and Dance On

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Did you know that here at SJHS we have a class just for dancing? Ms. Jarvis teaches it. The dance class had a performance on December 5th. They have been working on these dances for most of the semester!        

According to Ms. Jarvis, the dance teacher, they had two dance routines that they performed together, a hip-hop routine and jazz routine. Mikiya Olsen, an eighth grader, said that they also got to do their own dance numbers in groups of three or four that they were able to choreograph themselves. Mikiya’s dance was to "Die Young" by Kesha. Some of the other groups performed to "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons and "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen.        

Aubrey Stewart, SJHS Staff Writer

Latinos In Action

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

You may be wondering, what is Latinos In Action?  Latinos In Action is a new class at Springville Junior High this year, taught by Mr. Beebe, the Spanish teacher.  

Diana Arellano, José Ayala, Maricela Barajas, Yaira Espinoza, Angeles Gaitan, Liz Guzman, Ana Jiménez, Michael Lopez, Daniela Melendez, Karen Rivas, Sebastian Roibal, Nathaly Torres, Veronica Uribe, and Karen Uvalle are all students in LIA.  

The class does many things, mostly para-educating, or tutoring struggling students, at Brookside Elementary.  They walk over to Brookside Elementary twice every week to help students out.   

Emma Whipple, SJHS Staff Writer

Lending a Hand or Two- Teacher Assistants

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Cooperation, responsibility, and dependability. Several ninth grade students show these traits as they assist teachers in their daily tasks. “These TAs assist teachers in basic organizational functions such as running errands, and helping in day-to-day tasks other than teaching,” said Mrs. Linton, the ninth grade counselor at SJHS.  

The TAs choose which teacher they would like to assist for a semester, according to Maryn Giles, a TA for Ms. Neeley, an English teacher. “We mainly make copies, and help teachers out with whatever they need.”        

Sarah Larson, SJHS Journalism Staff

Keeping SJHS Up and Running

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Here at Springville Junior High School we have a fabulous assortment of faculty and staff, some of which are not as well known to the student body as others might be. For example, our custodial department. 

Mr. Taylor, the CTE, Computers and Tech, and Business and Computers teacher, said, “ I believe that the custodians are the most unappreciated employees here at SJHS. We should all do our part at making their lives easier, because they do a dang good job at keeping things running smoothly.”

Sue Bell, head custodian, has been working here at Springville Junior High School for 16 years, but has been a custodian for 26. She said that she “actually enjoys the students."

Amanda Hall, SJHS Staff Writer

A Picture Worth a Thousand Words

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

FLASH!! That’s the noise of photographers taking pictures of snowfall and insects. They have told stories with pictures and taking well lit photos. After taking pictures student edit them to make them even better; they crop and brighten or darken them.       

The photographers have all joined because they enjoy taking pictures.  Erin Caswell, an ninth grader, who loves Photography and enjoys taking pictures of the white fluffy snow said she joined because she “wanted to improve [her] picture taking.”        

Stephen Gantt, SJHS Staff Writer

Children Around the World

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

Many Students at SJHS have traveled and lived in countries outside of the United States. They have been to Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Canada.       

Tessa Larson, a ninth grader at SJHS, has been to six different countries in Europe- specifically England, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Scotland.        

Lauryn Davis, SJHS Staff Writer

Boys Basketball

Submitted by jennifer.dunn on

The boys basketball team might just seem like a bunch of gross, stinky, sweaty boys to you, but really they are a group of hardworking friends that try their best to represent our school.

To prepare for their games they have to practice, a lot, work on their plays and their condition, run, and practice executing their plays.  Not just a couple nights a week either, they practice everyday! 

Charlie Fry, a member of the SJHS boys basketball team, said, “My favorite part is hanging out with my friends and having a good time.”

Kaden Jackson, another member of the team, said, “My favorite part is learning new things about basketball.”

Chloe Wimmer, SJHS Staff Writer