Spotlight: Mrs. Bales

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

There is a person at Springville Junior High School who seems to always be there for the students at the school. Mrs. Bales is the attendance secretary at the school, and has been here for 17 years and is still going strong. She enjoys her job at the school and she loves to chat with Mrs. Murdock, the finance secretary. Mrs. Bales worked for Meadow Gold Dairy in Orem before she came here. Mrs. Bales said, “About 17 years ago, my oldest daughter was killed and about a month later this job came open.  I really felt like I needed to be close to my other two daughters. They both were in school here in Springville. One was here at the junior high and the other was at Brookside Elementary.

Marin Rosenberg, SJHS Staff Writer

It’s Raining Pennies at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

“It’s cool to think you can help a little kid with just some pennies,” said Kenzie Keane, an eighth-grade girl at SJHS. This year at Springville Junior High, we partnered up with Springville High School to raise money for the Make-a-Wish Foundation.  

Make-a-Wish is a foundation that help kids with cancer have their lifetime wish come true. This year SHS and SJHS are helping a seven-year-old boy named Connor. Connor has leukemia and has had many different treatments. When you're on these treatments your body hurts so bad, so Connor wished for a hot tub. SJHS  helped the cause by doing Penny Wars.

Ceci Sumsion, SJHS Staff Writer

Knightly Virtue: Knowledge

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Every month at Springville Junior High School a knightly virtue is chosen.  Having a knightly virtue challenges students to strive to become better people.  Throughout the month, teachers look for students that are good examples of that month’s virtue.  The students that are chosen by the most teachers receive the Super Knight Award.  At the beginning of each Super Knight Assembly, a video is shown on the virtue for the next month.  In the video, the student council narrates a few famous quotes on the subject.  The virtue for November is knowledge.

Marynda J. Chipman, SJHS Staff Writer

Students who go the Extra Mile Recognized at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Every month the teachers at Springville Junior High carefully select six Super Knights. They choose two students from each grade, one boy and one girl. The teachers at SJHS nominate these students and vote. According to Mr. Krebs, a math teacher at SJHS, he picks students that “reflect the attributes of what a Knight should be.” Teachers base their choices on SJHS’s Desired Results for Student Learning (DRSL’s) and the monthly virtue. The DRSL’s at SJHS are: learning to be Effective Communicators, Responsible Citizens, and Successful Learners. The monthly virtue for October is courage. Ms.

Sadie Clark, SJHS Staff Writer

The Amazing Ms. Hamilton

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Ms. Hamilton, a veteran teacher at SJHS, is very nice and a lot of fun to talk to. Ms. Hamilton teaches eighth and ninth grade English and math. She has been teaching at SJHS for fourteen years. She also does a study hall for the students at SJHS, and is in charge of a after school program for some students SJHS that have health problems or for some reason can’t come to school. On top of all that she helps with the Super Knights. Ms. Hamilton wanted to be a teacher because she wanted to help kids who struggle. “My favorite part about teaching is the kids, I love all of the personalities,” said Ms. Hamilton. 

Ceci Sumsion, SJHS Staff Writer

Seventh Graders at SJHS Create Mechanical Arms

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

On September 24th, Mr. Rencher, CTE teacher at Springville Junior High School, talked to his students about a new project that they were required to do. All tudents in the Technology Education class were assigned to construct a mechanical arm out of certain materials like pvc pipes and whatnot. The seventh graders would then test them out on October 18th.        

Marin Rosenberg, SJHS Staff Writer

Springville Junior High’s Fabulous Band

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Who can play over 10 different instruments? Who can make even tedious and repetitive practices cool and fun? Who is the best storyteller in the school? Introducing Mr. Booth, Springville Junior High’s band director!

Mr. Booth said, “My favorite part of band is seeing the students improve their talents and watching pieces of music come together.” He loves teaching and playing his guitar, and he tries to pick fun songs that students will enjoy. Josh Rasmussen, an eighth-grade band student, remarked, “The pieces that we play are fun, and I like being challenged so that I can get better.” 

Chloe Wilson, SJHS Staff Writer

Spotlight: Mrs. Packer

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Here at Springville Junior High we are Effective Communicators, Responsible Citizens, and Successful Learners.  Well, Mrs. Packer, who teaches seventh- and eighth-grade math is also all of those things. Savannah Grant, an eighth-grade student in Mrs. Packer’s seventh period class, said, “She’s a really good teacher, she doesn't lose any of our assignments.’’ 

Bailey Patterson, SJHS Staff Writer

History Students get Creative and Accurate

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

How many students know where our country’s regions are? What about major lakes? Or even the names of those lakes? Well, one thing's for sure, history teacher Mr. Shields’s students at Springville Junior High do!  This project is a big part of students’ grades, and is intended to give students an experience of what it is like to make an accurate map. 

This assignment comes with some requirements. Students needed to draw the outline of the United States, draw some major rivers, lakes, mountain ranges, bodies of water, physical regions, and a key. This assignment helped students with knowing where important things are, knowing the names of those important things.

Tiana Spencer, SJHS Staff Writer

The Fun Filled 4H Clubs

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

4H is a gathering for students in SJHS. 4H is a bunch of clubs for students to have fun. “It means meeting new students and helping them find what they are interested in,” said Mrs. Davenport, a tracker at SJHS, and a leader in 4H.

4H helps students from seventh to ninth grade learn new things and have fun after school in the cafeteria. There are many of clubs to choose from and every term the club leaders have new clubs. The clubs now are: Edible Arts, Outdoor Sports, Mad Scientist, Yoga, and Trivia. 

Tanika Farrar, SJHS Staff Writer