Peer Tutors Lend a Helping Hand

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Here at Springville Junior High School, we have a class made for kids who are need a little help in learning new things, or have learning disabilities. What is special about this class? These kids are tutored by other students here at SJHS! It’s an elective class, one semester long, and is taught by Mrs. Hunsaker.

Zoe Dalley, SJHS Staff Writer

The Amazing SJHS Girls Tennis Team

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Tennis is one of the many sports that Springville Junior High offers. There are two teams, one for the girls, and one for the boys.  Mr. Dahl is the girls’ tennis team coach.  The girls’ season for tennis is August through October, where as the boys season is during the spring. 

According to Mr. Dahl, there are tryouts that the girls must go to in order to join the team. Participants in the tryouts can make several different teams. The teams are varsity, junior varsity, and the B team. Only girls on the varsity and junior varsity teams will be able to compete in matches, but the B team is welcome to come and practice with them.

Abi Maccabee, SJHS Staff Writer

FFA Members Attend State Fair in Salt Lake

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

On Friday, September 7th, all of the FFA members in Springville Junior High were excused from class at 1:00  to attend the State Fair in Salt Lake. It wasn’t just the kids at SJHS though, all members of the Springville FFA chapter went. FFA stands for Future Farmers of America. It’s a class that students can take in ninth grade, and it teaches them about the agriculture of America. 

FFA members learned a lot about animals and farming at the State Fair. According to Mrs. Giffing, FFA teacher at SJHS, students that go to the State Fair every year learn lots of important lessons, such as showing and selling a market animal, as well as entering shop projects or fresh vegetables and fruit from their gardens.  

Marin Rosenberg, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS Girls Playing on the SHS Soccer Team

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

At Springville Junior High, there are some ninth-grade girls that are talented enough to play on the Springville High School soccer team.There’s the varsity soccer team and the junior varsity soccer team at the high school. The varsity team is made up of mostly high school girls. But the junior varsity team has ninth-grade girls from Springville Junior High school that help make up the team. They have away games every Tuesday and home games every Thursday. The girls have practices on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Lots of the girls really enjoy playing on the high school team, and they try really hard to get better at soccer. 

Marin Rosenberg, SJHS Staff Writer

Spotlight: Mrs. Woolf

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Mrs. Woolf is a new teacher at Springville Junior High. She teaches aerobics and health.  Emma Hargett, student at SJHS, said, “I like Mrs. Woolf because she is young, new, nice, and she has more ideas on what to teach. Oh, and she makes sure that the stuff she teaches isn’t too hard.” A lot of Mrs. Woolf’s students say that her class is fun.

In health Mrs. Woolf teaches about things such as staying healthy and learning about different muscles. In aerobics the students exercise and try new things like weight lifting. Wouldn’t that be difficult trying to keep up with two very different classes?! According to Mrs. Woolf, it’s not. “I really enjoy teaching aerobics and health. It balances out my day,” she said.

Caitlin Fulkerson, SJHS Staff Writer

Quest Time Sewing Club

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

As many SJHS students may know, there are various enrichment activities for Quest Time. One of those enrichment activities is a sewing club. In Mrs. Bird’s sewing room on Thursdays, the students who come get to work their magic for twenty minutes. According Mrs. Bird, a sewing club advisor, her favorite part about teaching is she gets to help the kids learn to do something new and creative. 

Ceci Sumsion, SJHS Writer Staff

Spotlight: Ms. McBride

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

At Springville Junior High School, there is a new seventh-grade English teacher, Ms. McBride. According to Ms. McBride, she didn’t want to be a teacher while she was growing up, but she has always loved reading. Before Ms. McBride came to SJHS, she was an editor, an advisor who set up internships for students that wanted to become lawyers, and a piano teacher. She became interested in teaching while she was working as an editor. She then realized that she really liked helping people become better writers.

Allyson Smith, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS Goes Thoroughly Modern

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

This year Springville Junior High goes thoroughly modern with the school musical, Thoroughly Modern Millie. Many students have already been working hard with Mrs. Walker, the director of the play, and Mrs. Gleave, the choreographer. But, more hard work goes into this than meets the average student’s eye. 

Mrs. Walker, the director of the school musical and choir teacher at SJHS, said, “I felt like we had just the right types of kids for this play.” Mrs. Walker has been working at SJHS for several years now and has directed all of the plays that have taken place in those years.

Samantha Sorensen, SJHS Staff Writer

State Competition at SJHS

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Last month there was a state competition going on at SJHS. Eighth-grade students in US History studied for two to two and a half weeks for this competition. The eighth graders studied all 50 states and then had a competition to yell them out before the people they’re competing against them does! 

Tanika Farrar, SJHS Staff Writer