Dissecting Worms in Science Enrichment

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Mr.Shawn Hatfield, science and biology teacher at, has taught at SJHS for 20 years. Mr.Hatfield teaches everything from cells to biology and plants to worm dissection.

According to Cooper Halladay, eighth grader at SJHS, cutting open a worm is harder than most people would think. Mr.Hatfield’s first period science enrichment class had the gross opportunity to dissect worms on April 26, 2012. CJ Haynie, seventh grader at SJHS, said, “Worms are more complex than I thought.” 

Katherine Johnson, SJHS Staff Writer

Ready, Aim, Shoot!

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

There is a brand new P.E unit at SJHS! The administration asked Mrs. Kelly Anderson, PE teacher at SJHS, one thing she wanted to teach, and she picked archery. This is the first time SJHS has done archery, and the students are very excited to learn a new skill. The PE department used grant money to buy the equipment they needed for archery.  Mrs. Anderson, said, “It’s been fun to see the students get excited about archery.” 

Sarah Christensen, eighth-grader at SJHS said, “It feels good shooting the targets and getting a good score.” Most kids seem to like archery, so the school hopes to continue this sport in the coming years.

Becca Dickinson, SJHS Staff writer

Let the War Begin

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

On April 23, 2012, Mr. Greg Shields, an eighth-grade U.S History teacher here at SJHS,  started teaching his students about the Civil War. Mr. Shields got all dressed up for his lesson by wearing a navy blue Civil War uniform. As students entered into his classroom, they were surprised by his appearance.

Jailena Santiago, an eighth grader, said, “When I first saw Mr. Shields outfit, I thought he was going to play a joke on us.” Tanya Garibay, an eighth grader here at SJHS, said, “I thought he looked handsome in it.”

Luanei Mulipola, SJHS Staff Writer

Teacher Appreciation Week

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

At Springville Junior High School, staff and students celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week at the end of April. Teacher Appreciation Week was a week where students and PTA parents did activities to show how grateful they are for their teachers. This activity was put together by the PTA parents.

Mrs. Wendy Chipman, the SJHS PTA president, helped with most of the planning for Teacher Appreciation Week. “I planned the drawing, prizes, and thank you notes,” said Mrs. Chipman. She was also involved in giving all the teachers bagels and smoothies.

Bianca Trujillo, SJHS Staff Writer

UVU Orchestra Festival

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Every year  Springville Junior High School’s orchestra and many other schools go to Utah Valley University one day in May for a six hour long festival. In this festival, many schools perform and are judged on their performance. After the performances, the judges go up on stage to help the orchestra improve. “It’s an opportunity to go and be judged on all of the work you have done over the year. It’s a good learning experience,” said Alyssa Oman, eighth grade orchestra student at SJHS.

Betsy Vega, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS Choirs Perform in a Choir Festival

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Springville Junior High School’s boys and girls choirs recently performed in the Nebo District Intermediate Choir Festival, along with four other schools: Mapleton, Spanish Fork, Mt. Nebo, and Payson Junior High Schools. Mrs. Leslie Walker, choir teacher at SJHS, said, “Each choir sang three songs. Then the judge came up and helped the choirs with a particular thing that he thought they needed to work on.” This choir festival was held at SJHS in the auditorium. 

Cassidy Bowers, SJHS Staff Writer

SJHS’s Service Learning Cleans up Courtyard

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The Service Learning students at Springville Junior High School have just finished a big project at SJHS. The students cleaned and fixed up the courtyard at SJHS. According to Mrs. Adrienne Murray, service learning teacher at SJHS, she was excited to help the school and the students with their service project. Tyler Johnson, Bailey Bird, Jacqueline Bradford, and Christopher Esklund were in charge of this project. These students planned and designed the landscape.

Cassidy Bowers, SJHS Staff Writer

Students Make Mousetrap Cars in Science

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Eighth-grade students in integrated science classes at Springville Junior High School were assigned to build a mousetrap car using one regular mousetrap as a source of power. You’re probably wondering how a mousetrap car works.  Mesa Bake, an eighth grade student at SJHS, said, “You need to use your notes and knowledge.”

Rachel Dockstader, SJHS Staff Writer

Lights, Camera, Soundboard?

Submitted by tiffanie.miley on

Did you know that there is a lights and sound crew at Springville Junior High School? Yes, you heard right, The lights and sound crew is made up of a group of hand-picked students here at SJHS. Mr. Shawn Hatfield, a teacher and the lights and sound advisor, at SJHS, said, “The crew does a very,very,very good job and they are very responsible.” 

Lexey Anderson, SJHS Staff Writer

Spotlight: Ms. Neeley

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Ms. Rachel Neeley is an English, creative writing, and yearbook teacher at SJHS. Janessa Lewis, Halle Acor, Morgan Martin, Stacy Staple, Meg Longhurst, Riley Brockbank, and Maiya Buckley love Ms. Neeley’s yearbook class, and are hoping students take her class next year.  “One thing Ms. Neeley can do so well, is always keeping her students on track and making sure they are focused,” said Morgan Martin, a ninth-grade yearbook student.

Luanei Mulipola, SJHS Staff Writer